Chapter 11

2.1K 86 38

Trigger warnings: PTSD, brief mentions of addiction, and turtles (dying in a documentary) 

Atsumu's POV

Kiyoomi takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Barnes was my old owner." he mutters.

What? Barnes. Our teammate abused Kiyoomi. I mean he was a cat but still. Abusing animals is very bad! I stand up and hug Kiyoomi. He's shaking and leans into me. 

"I r-remembered everything when I saw him. At first I didn't realize it was him. But then he talked and I knew." Kiyoomi stammers. 

I wish there was something I could say to make this better but there isn't. So instead I squeeze him tight and kiss his forehead. Gently I move us onto the couch. His eyes water and he lets out a sob. I pet his hair. I feel so helpless. What can I do?

"How can I play on a team with him? After what he did to me." Kiyoomi cries. 

I wonder how Barnes is even on the team still. Kiyoomi told me he was quite drunk for a while and not in good condition. He seemed fine at practice tired but fine. What could have changed? Getting out my phone I search him up. I click on the first article I see.

-Oriver Barnes on addiction and recovery-

I read the article and hand it to Omi-kun. He takes the phone his eyes widening when he sees the title. Apparently when Barnes's ex fiance called off their engagement he started drinking. It made him forget them even just for a little bit. But his body and mind were in bad shape. Coach Foster sent him to rehab and told him to sober up or get off the team. Barnes has a made a full recovery and is doing much better now. 

"I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of." Barnes admits. 

Like throw your cat that you abused for months out a window? Yeah. 

Kiyoomi turns off the phone and swipes his tears away. 

"I-i'm happy for him. But what he did to me... that's never going to go away." Kiyoomi mumbles.

"Would you go to therapy? We'd have to change a couple things around but it might be good for you." I ask gently.

"I-i'm not sure." Kiyoomi mumbles.

We sit there for a while in silence. I hear his breathing slow.

"Can you play?" I ask.

"Yeah." Kiyoomi mutters.

~Timeskip to the morning~

Opening my eyes I'm confused where did I fall asleep. Oh we fell asleep on the couch. I move out of Kiyoomi's arms and stand up. He's still asleep. His lips are twisted into a frown and he shudders. I lean down to rub his back.

"Hey it's okay I'm here." I whisper.

Kiyoomi's eyes open and he backs away from me. His body starts to twitch. Oh he's transforming. He hasn't turned into a cat in so long. Why now?

Sakusa's POV

I know it's Atsumu. Logically I know that. But for a second I thought he was Barnes. Just for a split second. But my body reacted before I could think. Now I'm a cat. I don't know if I can play. I want to. I want to so bad. But if I changed into a cat on the court or during practice who knows what would happen. I focus on my breathing and start to change back. Atsumu stands there quietly observing. After I transform he speaks.

"Are you okay?" 

"Maybe." I answer.

I sit down and curl into a ball. Just seeing him makes me want to throw up. Atsumu sits down beside me. He interlocks our hands and we sit there. 

~Timeskip to practice~

Atsumu's POV

I don't know if Kiyoomi is ready for this. Unfortunately we can't skip practice. I squeeze his hand reassuringly when we get to the gym. He takes a deep breath. Coach Foster claps his hands and tells us that I'll be setting for everyone. Grabbing the ball I jump and set it over and over. Kiyoomi hits the ball easily and I smile at him. He's being a lot more reserved and quiet this practice but that's okay. 

I set the ball to Kiyoomi and he hits it to the other side of the gym. He starts to grab it when Barnes picks it up. 

"Here." Barnes says walking over. 

Kiyoomi shakes but manages to stand there. He winces as Barnes hands touches his. 

"Thanks." Kiyoomi mumbles.

I want to hug him but everyone would think that was weird. Instead I look at him hoping my eyes show what I'm trying to say. He nods before going to the back of the line. Barnes watches him confusedly. It's taking all of my self control to not go over and yell at him. After what feels like a century Coach Fosters announces practice is over. 

Me and Kiyoomi walk home holding hands.

"You did really good today." I say.

"Thanks." he murmurs.

Kiyoomi makes a stir fry as  I shower. When I come out I wrap my arms around his waist. He blushes and gently pushes me away.

"I'm cooking Atsumu!" he groans.

I laugh and set the table. We sit down and eat.

"Want to watch that new documentary about tur-" I start.

"I'll do it." Kiyoomi interrupts. 

"Huh?" I say confused.

"Therapy." Kiyoomi mumbles.

I get up and hug him.

We wash the dishes before watching the documentary. 

"Kiyoomi how could they kill them!" I whine.

"They can't see them Atsumu they're in cars." Kiyoomi answers coldly.

"B-but" I whimper.

He wraps an arm around me sighing. 

After my complaining because of the dead turtles we go to bed. I climb into bed flicking off the light. Kiyoomi lays down beside me on the left side. I curl up to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Atsumu it's hot." Kiyoomi complains.

"Too bad." I smirk. 

I listen to the sound of his breathing. Ugh I can't fall asleep. I get up slowly being careful not to wake Kiyoomi. I check my phone and see that it's now 2 am. I walk into the kitchen and eat an apple. I decide to watch youtube videos. I rub my eyes blearily. I hear someone moving around. 

"Atsumu." Omi mumbles sleepily. 

He walks out of our bedroom and sits down beside me. 

"Go to bed." I command.

"No you." he retorts. 

"I can't." I grumble. 

Knowing I won't be able to sleep I let him lead me back to bed. He collapses on the bed curling up. I lay down staring at the ceiling. I wish it was easier for me to sleep. I smile at the sound of Kiyoomi snoring gently. Why is he so cute? 

Author's note: We hit 2K! Thank you so much! I never thought this many people would read this. 

Kitten (Sakuatsu)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon