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"Why is it that you've brought me here?" I ask from the chair I'm cuffed to. Cal stands in front of me, Cere beside him. A new women stands behind them, peaking over at me. "I've never seen you before, girl." She steps out a bit and I can finally see her clothes, I grin. "A Nightsister? In the company of a Jedi? Shocking."

"We intercepted a transmission, Lyra." Cere says, walking towards me.

"And this concerns me how?" Cere and Cal glance at each other.

"Lyra, Obi-Wan didn't kill Darth Maul. Darth Maul would have overtaken the old man in seconds." Cal says. I furrow my eyebrows. "Darth Vader killed him." My eyes widen. "He meant to kill you upon arrival, he believes you have become to powerful."

"You're lying." I say. Cere steps back and plays the transmission. A hologram of Vader appears.

"I've taken care of her master, bring the Grand Inquisitor to me upon her arrival. I'll take care of her next, she has become far too powerful." Vader says and the hologram disappears.

"Why save me?" I ask. Cere looks at me.

"I failed Trilla. I won't let the Jedi fail you too." She says. My father then appears in front of me as a force ghost, though it seems no one else can see him. He places his hands on both my temples and a memory floods my mind.

"Darth Vader. Why are you here?" Maul asks as the Dark Lord approaches him.

"Your apprentice has grown far too powerful, Maul. The Emperor fears she has the ability to overthrow him." Vader says, they stand only a few feet apart.

"If he is not the most powerful Sith anymore, Vader, perhaps he should be overthrown." Maul's stance changes, he subtly shifts into defensive position.

"The girl needs to be dealt with. Your loyalty is to the Emperor, not a mere apprentice." Maul ignites his saber.

"You won't lay a hand on my daughter."

The memory fades and I stare ahead with wide eyes. Cal looks at me, then at Cere.

"He showed her the memory." He whispers to her. Suddenly, I can feel my eyes start to turn yellow. The metal cuffs on my wrists burst away, I stand and walk towards the cockpit.

"Set your course for the Death Star." I say to the pilot. Cal rushes to push me back into the living chambers.

"Lyra, breathe. Look at me." He says, I struggle to keep my eyes on him. "Breathe." He takes deep breathes, I attempt to match my own breathing to his. My eyes begin to fade, I blink a few times.

"You'll avenge your father, Lyra. But you cannot just storm the Death Star now." Cere says.

"Oh, I don't want to just kill him. I want to take everything from him, like he did to me." I say, sitting down on the booth. Cere and Cal glance at one another.

"I think we have a way that you can."


We jump out of hyperspace to reveal Yavin 4. I glance at Cal, he watches me carefully.

"They won't let me in. They'll kill me before I step foot in the base." I say. Cal shakes his head.

"Not if they know you're coming." He says with a smile. I study his face in confusion. We land in the docking bay and the ramp opens. "Come on. I'll be right next to you." I look down at my inquisitor uniform, the red bladed lightsaber on my waist. I hesitantly walk down the ramp to see all the rebels I've so relentlessly tried to kill stop in their tracks.

"She's here." I hear them whisper.

"Grand Inquisitor." I hear a girl say. "Never did I think I would allow one of you to step into my base." Leia Organa walks to me, she's smiling but very clearly still cautious. "But, if Cal trusts you then so do I." I glance over at Cal. She leads me to the command center of their base. "And thats something you should not take for granted, you have very little trust here." I silently stand there for a moment, looking at the rebels.

Since I was saved from the temple as just a youngling, I have devoted myself to the Empire. With them, my loyalty will always reside. But to Lord Vader, I will never find any sort of pride or purpose. I will never serve him and his agenda ever again. My loyalty lies with my Father, and his devotion to the Empire. I look back over at Leia.

"I have no intention of destroying the Empire. I have had devotion to them my entire life and even now that does not falter. I seek only to destroy Lord Vader, nothing more than that. Nothing will stop me from taking everything from him, like he did to me." Leia nods.

"Then we will make that your primary mission, Inquisitor." She says.

"I will not abandon my ways in the force either, princess. My father named me a Sith Lord, I will not fail him." She glances at Cal, he nods once.

"Alright." She then walks off with her men, I head into the living quarters of the mantis. Once inside, I remove Vader's Inquisitor markings from my uniform, leaving onto the black outfit and cape. I look down at my fathers double saber for a moment, our memories flashing through my mind. I then clip it to my belt and walk out to Cal. He holds new shoulder insignia's in his hands.

"Here." He says, replacing the old ones on my uniform. "It's the symbol of this ship, the mantis." I smile at Cal and nod.

"Thank you, Cal." I say and then pause. "I do apologize, for trying to kill you and all. Cal Kestis, I think you are the only Jedi that I will make an exception for. You are the only one who has ever slipped through my grasp, and for that you have earned my respect. You are a powerful Jedi." He chuckles.

"Thank you Lyra. Now leads head to Coruscant. Leia gave us the location of one of the Emperor's allies. He knew of the attempt to kill you, and he may know a weakness of Vader's." The ship lifts off and we jump into hyperspace. Cal and I sit in the booth silently for a moment.

"Did you ever find the holocron?" I side eye him as he quickly looks over at me.

"I destroyed it." My head snaps to meet his eyes.

"You did what?" I stand up and look down at him.

"The future of the children should be left to fate, not either of us meddling in it." I sit back down and watch as he walks into the cockpit. Very subtly, I left the communicator in my wrist and speak into it.

"Lord Vader, he destroyed the holocron. We're heading to Coruscant." This is just barely a whisper, no one will have been able to hear me.

"Affirmative, Grand Inquisitor. We will meet you there."

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