Another ordinary life

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When we're younger we pass our days by daydreaming of exiting adventures- heroic tales.
We make them so out of this world- impossible,
we can't be sad when they don't come true.
When we're forced to believe we're not remarkable after all;
Just ordinary. Another ordinary life.

Instead, we learn to treasure books and films.
Recognising the opportunities they provide us with once again to escape and relive those dreams.
That's why when you're younger, it's never us at that exact point we envision, but us three, four years older- the person we want to be.
So there's still a possibility. A chance.

But as we age and every year goes by,
We feel the clock counting down faster with every year that ends just the same as it began.
Until eventually we just accept it.
Stop trying. Stop daydreaming.
And that, that is the saddest part of life.

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