They were laughing and running away as she chased them down the road of Hogsmeade, they followed Clara as she hid behind one of the shops, 

"reckon we lost her?" Sirius gasped trying to keep his voice low, Clara nodded, 

"reckon so!" she laughed, and they all high-fived each other, 

"she probably headed back by now" Peter stated, they all nodded in agreement, and walked out of their hiding spot and began heading back to Hogwarts. 

"Clara are you okay?" "you look really cold" Sirius asked her hanging his arm around her shoulder, 

"ya I'm fine, just a bit under-dressed for the weather" she answered smiling, 

"here" Sirius said removing his jacket and handing it to Clara, "I'm not cold anyways, besides don't want you getting sick again do we?" he laughed, Clara smiled and put on his jacket flashing him a grateful smile. "Oi Potter!" a voice called from behind, they all turned around to see Sturgis Podmore, an seventh year quidditch player on the Gryffindor team. 

"What's up Podmore?" James answered him, 

"good prank back there at the three broomsticks" he laughed, and James grinned, "and wanted to ask if they are any quidditch matches coming up?" Sturgis asked James, 

"er not that I know of" James replied, Sturgis nodded and walked off.

"Clara now that we're on the topic of quidditch-" James began,

"we were never on the topic of quidditch, but yes what?" Clara snapped,

"erm okay" James rolled his eyes, "I was going to say before you interrupted me which was very rude by the way, that I think you can keep the position as chaser on the quidditch team even after Andrews has recovered" he informed her,

"really? Oh thanks so much Jamesy!" she jumped on him and knocked him onto the floor hugging him, "thank you thank you thank you!" she praised him, he pushed her off him and laughed, 

"your welcome sis" he smiled sweetly, "now...SNOWBALL FIGHT!" he shouted and threw a snowball at Claras' face, she threw one back at him, and they all started throwing snowballs at each other. 

They started heading back to the castle as it began to get dark, 

"I can't wait for the feast!" Peter exclaimed, 

"me too!" Clara agreed laughing, and they ran up to the Gryffindor common room, 

"last one there is the loser!" James shouted pushing Remus out of his way, Remus grabbed on to the hood of his jacket pulled him back and ran ahead of him, 

"see ya loser!" he laughed. 

Clara ran up quickly avoiding the grasps of Sirius, James, and Peter trying to pull her behind, she ran up close to Remus and pushed him playfully, making her way up to the fat lady portrait, she touched the wall and jumped up and down pointing at Sirius and Peter the last ones to reach,

"you two are the losers!" She chanted cheerfully. 

"Jingle bells" James said and the portrait swung open, for the five marauders to walk in, 

"let's get changed for dinner" Clara suggested and the rest nodded in agreement, 

"oh and Sirius, here" she called out to him as she removed his jacket off of her, 

"keep it" he smiled and walked up to his dorm, and she walked up to hers smiling. 

"Clara thank god you're here!" Lily pulled Clara to sit down in the circle where the rest of the girls were sitting, 

"what's up Lils?" she asked Lily sitting down, 

"we don't know what to wear to dinner tonight, can you help us?" Lily pleaded with a concerned face, 

"sure!" Clara smiled. She picked out their outfits, and started picking out her own outfit. she wore a simple red crimson knee-lengthed dress, brown boots, and a gold pendant. 

She went to the great hall with the marauders to the great hall for dinner, there was a ginormous Christmas tree and many ornaments Clara smiled at the look of it and giggled excitedly.

At the Great Hall...

The marauders sat down at the Gryffindor table, the feast hadn't begun yet, everyone was waiting for Dumbledores' speech. 

"Merry Christmas!" Dumbledore spoke, 

"I won't keep you waiting, so without further ado, let the feast begin!" he announced and the tables filled with delicious food, everyone started eating and talking excitedly. 

"Clara" Sirius nudged her, he was sitting beside her, 

"yes?" she answered,

"Dabrowski is trying to call you but don't answer" he lowered his voice so only she heard, 

"as if" Clara whispered back annoyed, "hey Jason!" she waved over to him and grinned to Sirius,

"ugh" Sirius rolled his eyes, "shouldn't have told you!" he turned his back to her, 

"you don't think I would've figured out sooner or later?" she smirked, and he started giving Jason death stares all over again. 

Clara being annoyed by this, got up and left to sit at the Slytherin table, 

"hey guys!" she greeted the Slytherins, they all waved or smiled at her, she sat down beside Regulus, Narcissa, and Lucius. 

"What brings you here?" Regulus asked, 

"am I not allowed to see my best friends?" she sarcastically rolled her eyes and laughed, 

"oh no sorry your majesty" Regulus bowed mockingly, and the two started laughing. "So how's it going with you and Dabrowski?" Regulus started a conversation,

"oh well not much actually, since the ball" she informed him, "Sirius keeps annoying him, that git!" she exclaimed,

"I'm not surprised" Regulus laughed,

"What's that supposed to mean?" she nudged him laughing, Regulus started laughing with Narcissa who clearly knew what he meant. 

"Hey what are you two laughing about?" Clara pouted sarcastically, "oh if only you knew!" Regulus smirked, 

"I will if only you tell me!" she remarked, 

"fat chance" Regulus answered and turned back to his food, Clara rolled her eyes and laughed,

"I'll see you guys later" Clara told them getting up and leaving before they could ask any questions, she had seen Sirius head out of the great hall with James, Remus, and Peter, and decided to follow them, it was probably the full moon. 

She followed them out and saw them disappear under the invisibility cloak, 

"lumos" she whispered and her wand lit up, "guys I know you're here" she said rather loudly, nobody answered, "guys?" she croaked scared, "hello?" she noticed it wasn't the full moon, and started walking around looking for them, could they have gone into the forbidden forest? she asked herself worriedly. 

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