
462 5 1

Word count: 482

She's always been sexy to me, but moreso I feel softness for her, and In 11...

Her ending...

Come on guys, did you see it?

I'm so happy they finally showed that side of her. I'm certain fans love her as much as I do, and I just know the adoration has increased now. 


Vulnerability was not in her nature.

- It meant weakness and the certainty of death not just by the rules of her realm, but by her genetic makeup.

Her blood sizzled at the mere thought of laying helpless beneath another being as the Tarkatan red that flowed within her fought with everything it had to react as she always had.

It was instinct to attack, however, her heart fought back with the same fury, having something more wedged within it that could be not sedated by all the bloodshed she could bring forth to her foes.

She hadn't known what tenderness was before (f/n) taught her. Much more, before the (h/c) haired young woman, Mileena hadn't realized how much she yearned for it.

It was a craving she hadn't known she had until she got a small sample of it. Muchmore, it was strange to think so, but there was a part of her that wanted to be small, and that same existing piece within her wanted to be weak and kept beneath (f/n).

Slowly, the (e/c) eyed woman's eyes fluttered close as her nose gently trailed down the tender skin of her lover's neck, gently descending her lips onto the skin with a sweetness that rivaled sugar.

" I love you," she said softly, truly meaning it, soon after feeling the woman beneath her begin to take a deep, forced, gulp.

"And" Mileena responded back, shuttering at all the kind presses that fell over her.

She could feel her heart race and her mind fog while her flesh was being conquered.

The sheets beneath her were fisted tight as a trail of kisses led down to her naked chest, small, nimble fingers working over skin that had a little quiver to it.

" You are so nervous," (f/n) said in what was a small musing tone that sounded entertained by all of the little reactions the normally merciless woman expressed.

"....Enough," The hybrid outworlder said with her raspy voice being shaved of its typical viciousness.

It was a foreign way of speaking to her and it made it all the more humiliating, yet tantalizing.

'She sounds so sweet... ' (f/n) thought to herself while exited by the beautiful body that lay beneath her. 'I never would have thought she'd be so... vulnerable,' she added, knowing that perhaps she was the only one to have ever witnessed such a sight.

' Love... it's made me so weak...' the dark-haired empress thought with dismay, yet,  not wanting to trade the affection for anything else in the world.

' I...Somehow I am everything you desire: The only thing you truly cherish.

Even with being abomination...

You'd never turn from me.

And that is more than I could ever ask of anyone,' She thought while knowing she had not just (f/n)'s loyalty, but her awe and gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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