Meeting an angel

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As you moved everything into your new room that Sam and Dean gave you, you hear a flap of wings.

Petrified you turn around with a blade.

You turn around to see a man who is much taller than you but shorter than Dean. He is wearing a beige trenchcoat with a suit underneath that, and to top that off he has a blue tie that was crooked. He has jet black messy hair. And gorgeous ocean blue eyes. He is extremely attractive.

"SAM, DEAN!" the mysterious man says.

He throws you against the wall.

"Who the hell are you." He says with a raspy voice that you found attractive.

He stares at you squinting his eyes, still with his hand holding you against the wall.

'Damn he's fine. But what the hell is he, how could he just teleport out of nowhere.'

"I'm an angel of the lord." He says startling you.

"How did you just-" he cuts you off

"Because I'm an angel I can read minds." He looks into you e/c eyes with his gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

Sam and Dean come running in.

"Cas! Cas! It's okay she's a hunter like us, she saved our lives." Dean explains.

"Oh okay. Sorry." He says as he walks backwards.

He moves backwards letting you walk forward off the wall.

"Wait a minute. I'm really confused. So he's an angel." You say pointing at Cas.

"Yes, and my name is Castiel but you can call me Cas for short." He explains with his deep raspy voice.

"Wait I thought angels didn't exist." You say confused.

"Yeah, that's what I said the first time I met Cas. He pulled me out of hell." Dean says chuckling.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Castiel." You say holding out your small hands compared to his.

He looks at your hand confused. Dean whispers to him to shake your hand. He again looks at your hand before shaking it.

"It's good to meet you as well y/n. And please call me Cas." He says shaking your hand as you stare into his ocean eyes.

You shake your head. "Right sorry. You have beautiful wings by the way." You say examining them.

"You can see my wings?" He squints at you tilting his head.

"Yeah can't everyone?" You say giggling.

You look over at Sam and Dean as they shake their heads no.

"No the only things that can see my wings are other angels......" he says "....... unless your my soulmate." He looks at you. You hear a flap of wings and he's gone.

"Where the hell did he just go." You say turning around in the room trying to find him.

"He does that alot." Sam says chuckling causing you to laugh.

You shake your head. "Okay well that was a little scary." You laugh. "Okay I'm almost done unpacking, I'll go out with you guys in a minute." You say, hoping you know where your going around the huge bunker.

Sam and Dean nodded their head and walked away.

You couldn't stop thinking about that Cas person, well angel. He scared you but at the same time his touch calmed you.

You realized you had been standing there for 10 minutes, you shake your head and walked out by Sam and Dean.

"Hey guys!" You say, "I just wanted to say thank you again for everything." You further say with a small blush to your cheeks. You don't even know why you were blushing but you were.

"You're welcome. After all you kinda saved our asses." Dean said laughing.

Sam comes over and holds your hand. You looked up to see his eyes meet yours. "You don't have to say thank you y/n, you literally saved us." He says. You looked down and pulled your hands away.

"Well thank you guys. And where the hell is the kitchen I'm starving." You giggled looking back and forth at Sam and Dean as they laughed hysterically.

"Well, are you gonna get up or just laugh at me" you say crying because you were laughing so hard.

"Yeah yeah follow me y/n" Sam says still laughing.

A/n- this isn't going to be exactly like the show by the way. It's going to kinda have my own twist to it. Hope you understand! The chapters are kinda short right now but I will try to work on making them longer.

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