Chapter 3

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!!!!! Warning, cussing involved. Ryoto cusses when slightly upset!!!!

She has a scent... noticeably different than any other demons we've faced so far. Is it just strength or something else? 

"The demon hunters with Hanafuda earrings, they are you two right?"
I knew it, I had a gut feeling. Muzan wants both me and Tanjiro. But why Tanjiro? Wait, she said Hanafuda earrings, is it because he has the same earring as me, or something more?
"Tamayo, please get to a safe place, where you can hide. I don't want someone like you to get harmed or killed." I spoke softly to the demon doctor. 
"Ryoto-san, please don't mind us and carry on with your battle. We will be fine even without your protection, please worry about yourself and Tanjiro."
"Understood, thank you."
A Temari headed straight towards Tanjiro, 
"Water breathing: Seventh Style;  Piercing RainDrop."
The ball moved as Tanjiro stabbed it, releasing its hold against the sword. I concentrated as I remember Yoriichi teaching me more about The Transparent World. I closed my eyes, envisioning what it was like to see another world, as Yoriichi described it. He told me since I was born with the Demon Slayer mark as he was, I was about to see the Transparent World to its full extent. I shot my eyes open, seeing everything in slow motion, I was also able to see the arrows that were controlling the balls, as well as seeing where the demon with the arrow like Blood Arts was. Everything appeared in slow motion. I could see the maximum health the Tanjiro, Tamayo, Yushiro, the unconscious woman, Nezuko, and the demon male in the basement had. Everyone was at almost full health, besides Yushiro whos head was slowly regenerating back.
Yushiro's bottom half of his head was growing back as he yelled about hating the demons that attacked and how his Demon Blood Arts were still imperfect. The demon girl, who's name was, Susamaru, took of the top half of her kimono, leaving only a sleeveless shirt to cover her cleavage, as she grew four arms on each side of her torso. She told us that she was part of the 12 moons, but it didn't seem like it. Her heartrate didn't increase as normal demons or humans did if they lied, so she was fouled into believing that she was in the 12 Kizuki. Damn Muzan. 
"Twelve Moons?" Tanjiro asked confused. 
"They are Muzan's personal servants!" Tamayo answered back.
"Now let's play! Until the night ends! Until you die!" Susamaru said, summoning 4 more Temari balls.
Two were enough, thanks though!
She threw them rapidly as Nezuko came back into the room. 
"Otouto! The arrows! Can you see them?"
As we talked while avoiding the Temari balls, Tamayo and Yushiro got hit. 
"Hey, other stupid demon hunter! I'll lend you my sight!" Yushiro yelled at He threw paper talisman at Tanjiro's forehead. 
"Thank you Yushiro-san! I can see the arrow patterns. Nezuko! He's up on the tree! Nii-san Please go with her!"
I nodded and followed the already going to him Nezuko. Nezuko and I jumped tree to tree to see him. Nezuko shot up, kicking him at half strength. 
"How disgusting!" the demon shouted, using his arrows to fling back Nezuko into Tanjiro. I sped up to the demon, slicing off his leg as he tried to jump back away from me. I jumped back to land in front of the house once again. 
"Tanjiro, you'll handle arrow shit, I'll handle arm lady with Nezuko."

The battle continued, she threw her Temari's at Nezuko, Yushiro, and I. Nezuko tried to kick one, 
"Nezuko! Don't kick it!" I yelled but was too late. Nezuko's leg got cut off by the Temari's strength. Damn Temari lady. I'll send her to hell. 
"Nezuko! Look out!" Tanjiro yelled as he fought the arrow shit. Nezuko was kicked by the Temari asshole. The two shitholes were talking about bring all of their heads and just me alive to Kibutsuji's place. Arrow shit disagreed and only wanting Tamayo and Tanjiro's head, and wanting me back there alive. 
As they talked, I slashed my sword at Temari bitches head. Most of it being sliced, only a single piece of flesh being together to help regenerate. 
Damn it!
"Damn you insolent bastard!" 
"He wants the older one alive and probably unharmed! Only knock him out Susamaru!"
As if I'd let that fucking happen. 
Nezuko regained her leg back, and as Yushiro was about to be decapitated once again, Nezuko saved him by kicking the ball. Temari bitch was throwing multiple temari's at her, Nezuko only kicking them away, until she was finally able to kick it back to her.
"This brat..." 
She dropped her Temari to kick it back to Nezuko, now they were playing football. (In Japan and other countries, they call soccer football. I felt it was only right not to say soccer.) 
The little game ended with Nezuko kicking the ball at full strength, Temari bitch dodging, and the temari hitting against the wall. I heard Tamayo and Yushiro talking, 
"Lady Tamayo...this is.."
"I only used medicine to heal her wounded leg. Works only for demons exclusively. But it doesn't give someone extra strength. This was solely on her own."
Nezuko got way more stronger...She'll someday even surpass Muzan himself if this keeps up. Maybe in a few weeks, she'll unlocked her Demon Blood Arts.
"Twelve demon-san," Tamayo started, "Are you aware of Kibutsuji's true identity?"
"What are you talking about?! Your just an escapee!"
"That man is a coward, always afraid of something."
"Shut up! My lord isn't like that!"
"Do you know why demon's can't band together? And why demons kill each other?"
I smelled her demon blood art activating. It it like a truth serum?
"He gathers demons together to prevent himself from being attacked. You are only being manipulated."
She's right, every demon is being manipulated by Kibutsuji's curse. 
"Shut up! The great lord is not like some minor villain!"
He is though... 
"My lords power is greater than anyone's! He is the strongest to ever live! Kibutsuji-sama is-! She cut herself off, dropped her Temari's, and covered her mouth. She looked frightened, so very frightened. 
"You shouted out his name, that will activate the curse. I'm sorry. Sayonara."
She ran sideways to where Tanjiro and got on her knees, begging for forgiveness. Kibutsuji didn't give her any forgiveness as he activated the curse. Arms grew from her mouth and stomach. The least I can do it give her a peaceful death. I walked over muttering,
"Water Breathing: Fifth Form; Blessed Rain After Drought." 
Sunshine came out as rain sprinkled on her. Her head rolled a few feet from her body as she closed her eyes. 
"Arigato," she said as her head dienergrated. Tamayo hunched over to her hand, took out a serum, and drew blood from her. 
"She wasn't a 12 Kizuki after all, I didn't see a number in her eye. She was lied too."
Yushiro ran over to Tanjiro as Tamayo's technique was still activated, covering his mouth with cloth. I assumed we weren't supposed to breath it in but I was perfectly fine. Yushiro ran over to me as well, checking my heart rate and temperature. He was shocked to see I was perfectly fine, I was the most affected to the technique but I was unharmed. 

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