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"you know Quint did this"


"he did you know it" he probably did

"why though was he so sick of her that that's what he did to her"

"maybe he didn't"

"he did no one ever goes in or out of the property and Mrs Grose wouldn't do that!"

"how would you know!"

"god Miles you don't have to stick up for him he's a grown ass adult"

"I'm not!"

"it seems like it"

"I'm not n/n" I wrap my arms around her."I'm sorry y/n"  She sobs and holds onto me.

"she never did anything wrong"

"I know" I kiss her head. She pulls away a bit to look at me.

"sorry I yelled it's not your fault even if Quint did"

"it's okay" She kisses me.

y/n's pov

Miles fell asleep in my room which I didn't mind, he does a lot. I lift his arm off of me and I walk out of my room. I walk back to where the pictures and Miss Jessel's journal was. I hold my flashlight over the journal and I open it to the most recent page.

Tomorrow I leave to go home for a week, I finally get to get away from Quint. It's only a week and Miles can watch y/n in that time. When I get home I have to tell her Mrs Grose already knows so if I get to scared to say Mrs Grose can tell her. Hopefully I can get y/n and myself away from Quint.

"y/n?" I slam the journal shut and I turn to Miles.


"what are you doing"

"nothing let's go" I stand up and I walk with Miles back to my room.

I lay down and lay my head on Miles. we both fell asleep.

"good morning children"

"hi" I sit down at the table.

Miles immediately started eating.

"gross Miles"


"how are you eating"

"what do you mean"

"never mind"

"y/n you've been to a open casket funeral right" he knew what I meant


"that's a dead person I'm sure you've ate perfect after that"

"yeah but it's different"


"well she- she had blood all over her and at those it just looks like their sleeping in nice clothes"

"you've seen blood before"

"yeah but not pouring out of someone's head. I said never mind" Everyone stopped talking after that.

"Mrs Grose"

"yes y/n"

"I found Miss Jessel's journal and in it she said that she wanted to tell me something but if she didn't you could tell me. can you"

"oh dear" She sits down by me and holds onto my hands.

"when Miss Jessel got here you were with her. because she needed a job to provide for you."

"I don't get it"

"she needed to provide for you because she said she wanted to be a good mother and provide for her daughter on her own without her family's money"

"but I'm not her daughter my parents didn't want me so they dropped me here like this place is some sort of orphanage"

"those were lies that she had me and Quint tell you because she was worried you wouldn't want her as a mom"

"why wouldn't I, is that why she made sure I was okay" My eyes start watering.


"she could have told me we could have left. is this why Quint doesn't like me"

"y/n all she wanted was that you were ok she didn't care that you didn't know"

"but did she care if I wanted to know! I went my whole life thinking my mother didn't want me and now she's dead and I knew her my whole life! such bull shit" I stand up and I walk to my room.

I slam my door shut. I sit on the floor with my back on the wall and I start crying. why didn't she fucking tell me

"I know you did it you hurt y/n"

"Miles it is non of your business of what I did and you need to get out of her business too"

"whatever" Miles walks towards the door.

"y/n" He knocks on the door.

I open it and walk over to my bed.

"I'm going to sleep you can stay up but keep it down" I lay facing away from Miles.

"your usually so happy around this time"


"your always happy cause your birthday is in a week you dress in bright colors and you and Flora always made flower crowns by the pond, and after give them to everyone even Quint. that's the only day he's nice to you. Miss Jessel would make brownies but we would share cause if we didn't we would be sick for weeks cause of the amount of chocolate in it"

Miles sits by me.

"if she lied about being my mom what if that's not my real birthday also who cares I just get closer to death"


"what I mean it's true damn I can't believe she would do that" I sit up.

"I had a mom who was with me everyday and I didn't know"

"I know n/n" I let out a sob and Miles holds me.

"I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her!"

"you don't mean that y/n"

"I do mean it I hate her"

I walk down to her journal and I hold the flashlight over the pages. I pick up the pen and start writing.

Hey I saw this in a movie or book I can't remember so this is the stupidest thing ever

Hey Miss Jessel

I drop the pen

"god this is so stupid" I walk back to my room.

"y/n" I turn around.

"let's go swimming" Miles holds onto my hands.

"okay" I go to change and he pulls me back.

"come on" He pulls outside to the pool.

He takes off his shirt and pants and I do the same.

We both jump in the pool. I pop up from the water and I push my hair from my face.

"I'm sorry about everything"

"Miles you did nothing"

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