Chapter 2: The Reveal

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Chapter 2: The Reveal

(Follows S1E1: The Rising)

Recovery was a long trek. Between the emotional distress of losing her best friend and the physical toll of being shot, Cara was not having an easy month. It took a week after waking up for Cara to even be discharged. During the day, Mac never left her side, at least not for long stretches, and Jack or Bozer were there when he did.

Cara had managed to pry some more information out of Jack--Mac had refused to talk about it--and discovered that they hadn't even found Nikki's body yet. A small kernel of hope grew in her chest before she realized Nikki would have called by then. Luckily Mac had been gone for the night by the time she cried herself to sleep.

The first week being back home was challenging. Cara wasn't able to move without help from Mac or Bozer, which made going to the bathroom an awkward experience. Her meals had to be delivered to her on the couch or her bed or wherever she was being smothered in blankets at that time. Mac went into overprotective mode, which was endearing for approximately five minutes before she coughed and he was asking her a million questions about how she felt.

The second week back home, she could walk and get food on her own. Cara practically had to physically shoo Mac and Bozer away from her whenever she did something around the house by herself. They got the hint enough to at least pretend that they weren't hovering anymore even if they really were.

On the third week home Cara felt like she was going to go insane. She'd already watched through the entire series of Bones and read every book Bozer had picked up for her the day she got back. She was aching to get back to running or surfing or even just going outside the house for extended periods of time. Mac refused to take her even for a walk through the neighborhood until she was cleared by a doctor (and then caught her the many times she tried to sneak out anyway).

It wasn't until the end of week four being home that Cara finally got the okay from her doctor to go for short walks (though she didn't tell Mac that). Finally, on week five, she got Mac to take her for a run.

"You're sure your doctor okay-ed this?" Mac asked for the umpteenth time since they arrived at the neighborhood park. He had been smart enough to refuse their regular running spot in Griffith Park and instead insisted on the flat, even sidewalks that formed a circle through their neighborhood.

"Yes, Angus, I'm sure." Cara was lacing up her sneakers on the bench near the playground while her brother hovered beside her. "I'm all good to go for exercise, though he did say we have to revisit jumping out of planes or dodging bullets in a few weeks."

"And you're sure you're feeling up to this?"

Cara rolled her eyes, turning to face her twin. There was nothing but concern, and a bit of guilt, on his face. She softened.

"I'm up for it if you are," Cara offered with a small smile.

Mac studied her for a moment--he was always the only one who could tell when she lied--and finally nodded. "Fine, but if you feel bad at all just tell me and we'll stop."

She gave a mock salute and started lightly jogging towards the sidewalk, Mac quickly falling into step beside her. The truth was that she had been out of action with a serious injury for so long that she wasn't sure where her cardio was at. The only way to find out, though, was to test it running.

It was less than a mile before Cara was struggling to keep pace with Mac and panting like she was back in tenth grade. The worst part was that she knew they were way below their usual pace and Mac was slowing himself way down so as to not lose her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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