Ch.23 - Falling In Love

Start from the beginning

"I think the reason I took Bakugo was obvious, already criminalised by civilians at the sports festival, not to mention your obscene power that holds great potential. Though the thing that really made us consider you, was you attitude. An attitude like that will never get you anywhere.-" Bakugo's brows were furrowed with offense, and his body curled in on itself in a defensive manner. When Shigaraki called Bakugo obscene, Senshi felt a deep hurt within herself, a guttural one. Senshi would've expected Bakugo to be angry, but he simply internalised it. Maybe he wasn't what he made himself out to be.

"I'll be the number one hero you bastards! This isn't going to stop me!" Bakugo barked back, now Senshi understood. He covered up his hurt with anger, and in reality, that only made Bakugo his own worst enemy.

"I don't doubt that, but think of it, not even a month into the hero course when the sports festival arrives, and all that you're known for is violence. Not a great reputation for you, Bakugo. On the other hand, Tāte. A person would have to be blind to say you don't have potential, and from the outside you seem like a quiet girl. Though don't think anyone didn't notice how easily your power went out of control, the way you looked at your opponents with only anger and hurt. It almost looked as if you wanted to destroy them with that prodigious quirk of yours.-"

No, that wasn't right. Senshi never wanted to hurt anyone. As Shigaraki kept on talking, she could only feel her heart drop through her stomach. Was she really unknowingly villainized? 

"-But that's only part of the reason you should join us, because everything I've just said, was on the national news the day after the sports festival. And I'm pretty sure you know what that means, -" Both Bakugo and Senshi looked uncomfortable, not just physically, but mentally too."- society already views you both, as threats. And if they deem you a threat, they will do anything, to get rid of you."

That cut too deep, too, too deep. It seemed like Shigaraki had all of their faults and weaknesses memorised like it was a challenge, knowing everything that would hit home and shovelling it in straight into their faces.

"I'll leave you to think about our offer." Shigaraki said, him and his comrades leaving the room.

The room was left with a heavy silence, both of them needed to say something, but it hurt. It wasn't a physical hurt, it was was like an invisible knife had come and sliced their hearts open, ripping their dreams on hopes out with it.

Senshi turned to her right looking at Bakugo, and Bakugo turned to his left seeing the girl looking at him. Both had bags of black ink under their eyes, and their skin was pale and sickly; it had only been a day that they had been stuck here, soon to be two.

Looking at each other in the eyes, Senshi looking deeply in Bakugo's eyes for an answer, and Bakugo looked in Senshi's eyes for comfort, they knew that they were both strangers to each other's world. I guess they never really knew each other. They act like friends, but in the end, they're nothing more than strangers.


A dead silence was all it was for another day, leading into night. Both had a dishevelled appearance, both having dirt littered over them and on their clothes and in their hair. Senshi only had some dried blood on her cheek, it having dried by now. It was only after the two days that something was said.

"How do you feel about this?" It was Senshi's soft voice, she was seemingly the first person to give into the feeling of absolute crushing silence.

"I'm fucking fine you idiot, you're the one with blood on your face." It was like a weight had been released off of her shoulders, hearing him speak that is.

"It's nothing, but I think we should work on getting out of here." It was weird how Senshi didn't notice, how no one noticed in fact. She was no longer the quiet girl to Bakugo, the girl who barely let out a peep, the girl who would only ever talk to a person if they talked to her. Senshi had become someone whom he trusted, and spoke to more than anyone else.

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