Takayama Minoru x reader

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The Kengan Annihilation Tournament is always a fun place to be, I mean if you have money of course,I'm the daughter of Katahara Metsudo well second daughter anyways, being he's daughter has perks.I wouldn't say I'm a brat but pretty close. Since I got to the island my father has left me with Takayama Minoru,which isn't a problem this man has been with me and taken care of me since I was with my father but he tends to forget I'm eighteen and loves to carry me and finds me special snacks on the island, when I go anywhere he always a few steps behind. I don't think he necessarily likes shopping but he's so patient but since I'm getting older I'm start to develop feelings for my bodyguard/ father. He been more of a father then my actual father, now when I see him I get butterflies and my face warms up,so I've been trying to avoid him but do yo the fact his my bodyguard, you can guess how's that going,I look up at him from my phone." minoru"He looks over and hums. I smile and tilt my head"Could you find me one of those snacks, you brought me yesterday" he nods and walks out"

Takayama Minoru pov~
Y/n l/n, my little girl.even tho she's not of my blood,I love her dearly and since I held her that night, her father brought her I knew I needed to protect her, but as she grows she's keeps finding ways to get me away from her,I don't know if I've hurt her in a way or she just doesn't want me around but I have to remember this is still business too.one day I could be replaced and never see my little girl. I sigh deeply and go get what she wants.

He leaves and I breath not noticing I was holding it in, I don't know how much longer, I can hide my feelings, I get up and go to the bathroom.I should probably tell minoru but I'll be quick no problem.

Takayama Minoru pov~
I walk back in"y/n" no response, I walk in more and see she's gone, I stay calm and walk out looking for her,I turn a corner to see her on her phone walking back with a drink, "Y/N where did you go,I told you to stay in the room" his tone is low and slightly angry

I look up and freezing. I know that tone so well,I bow" I...I...I..I'm sorry minoru,I just need.." he point to the room and I walk with my head down and blush slightly.I kinda love when he's angry, I get into the room, he shuts the door and places my stuff down and stands behind me, I glance at him and he takes his masks off, I look out at the arena and cross my legs, I feel him put his hand on my shoulder, I blush and don't move,he sits down and moves me onto his lap, I lay on his chest and he rubs my arm and kisses the top of my head, I smile when I was little he hold me like this when he was upset or just wanted to know I was okay ."y/n" he tone has become softer and gentle.I don't look up and hum." Yes" he holds my hand and cups my cheek." Please if I tell you to stay somewhere, you stay," he prunes his thumb over my cheek" theses men on this island are all disgusting and they will hurt you and if they did hurt you, I don't know what I would do" I look up at him and he looks like he's going to cry. I hug him wrapping my arms around his neck." I promise, I'll do what you say" the fight ends and he takes me to my room, as he starts to walk off, I grab his sleeve and look down" please stay with me tonight" he gets down to my level" you sure" I look at him" please" he comes in and sits down on one of the chairs and I look at him, he looks at me " you've grown so much,y/n it feels like yesterday when your father brought you to me" I walk over and he holds my hand" since you've turned eighteen, you've just finding ways to stay way from me" he told his head and I look away" did I hurt you,baby girl" I blush and look down"n...n..no" he smiles and rubs your knuckles" then what's wrong" I look up and gain as much courage as I can" I love you Takayama Minoru, you've been with me my whole life and I love you, I want you forever." I look down and blush, he's dumbfounded and I start to cry thinking I was wrong to confess,he pulls me in and kiss the top of my head." I love you too y/n" I look up at him and kiss him softly" please don't tell my father" he chuckles" like he will notice. I smile and kiss him again.

Underrated Kengan Omega Characters x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin