It's your fault anyways.

I gasp as I try to calm myself.

Definitely not working.

My eyes go black, not able to see anything surrounding me, even though my eyes are still open.

There's a ringing in my ears as the words repeat again, and again.

I deserve this.

It's my fault.

I'm a murderer.

You're not ok.

Snap out of it he's going to wake up soon.

I get my vision back immediately, and I hear the chirping of the birds.

I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down again.

I grab the sunglasses I packed last night, and perch them on my nose.

If Harry wakes up, he won't see my red eyes.

Thinking back to Harry, I make the smallest smile, thinking about the fight over chips we had.

My parents never said I couldn't have guy friends...

Harry does seem like a good friend.

I don't think he wants anything to do with me either so I shouldn't worry about hurting him.

I don't know how he found out I was ticklish.

Smiling to myself a bit more, I look out and see two small birds playing around on the gravel.


I snap out of my gaze and try to grab my phone before it wakes up Harry.

I see him stirring a bit, and I finally grip my phone, and click answer.

I look over to him and I see slowly squint his eyes, opening them.

"Hello?" I whisper, my voice raspy from having not talked all morning, and the rough wake up.

Not that I'm not used to it.

"Chèrie! How was the date?" Anna says into the phone, teasingly.

"Dianthe?" Harry questions, and oh my god his morning voice-

No, just friends remember.

I hear Anna gasp.

Oh no.


"Anna!" I say and slap my hand over the speaker of the phone, and I look up to see Harry with an amused look on his face.

"What?!" She calms down a tad bit, not screaming anymore.

I sigh. "I'll text you later." I say and I pull the phone away, about to hang up but right before I do, she screams into the phone.

"SO YOU DID SLEEP WITH HI-" I struggle to press the red bang up button and I throw my phone down to the seat.

"Well good morning." Harry says amused.

I groan. "Good morning."

He chuckles at my embarrassed state. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty well actually, I woke up a couple minutes ago." I lie straight to his face.

"That's good, well Anna seemed to think we did something last night." He tease and turns his body so it's facing mine.

"Oh my god." I say and cover my cheeks with my hands. "Can I just go home now?" I whine not wanting to be even more awkward.

Sunflower (HS) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now