New days

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Woke up to the sound of Dad clanging pans again

"Rise and shine sleepy heads, the early bird gets the worm!" He bellowed, the boom of his voice making its way into my dark room. With a groan I threw my sheets off me, sat up possessed by the lethargy of an early Monday morning. As I dragged my feet off the mattress, I struggled to stand up straight, flailing out my arms seeking my glasses on the table top. The mere thought of opening the curtains stung my eyes as the attack of light flooded in once I drew them. 

I knew my house all too well. 2 floors, 3 bedrooms, lots of space, floor boards all dark, shiny floor wood, clean from any spec of dust, not even the white of the walls could compete with such reflectance. Each evening light would shred its way past the bookshelves lying directly next to the windows, Dad says a view makes his work sweeter. It doesn't sound like the smartest idea, putting a desk in the living room, but it's not like much living goes on there in the first place. 

I made my way to was the kitchen doubling up as a dinning room. The floor. Minimalistic with its use of space, the sink, table counter and cupboards were all packed into one half of the room while the other half opened up to the living room to give the illusion of freedom.

"Cutting it a bit close there." Dad said, greeting me with the usual stern, wrinkled gaze.

"It's 8 on the dot." I rebutted, pointing at my watch.

"It never hurts to show up with a few minutes to spare now does it?"

"Less sleep, less health." I said as I shrugged my shoulders whilst taking a seat.

"Tomoe, you're father's just trying to make sure you get your breakfast on time." Mom said. Always sucking up.

"No no, she has her point." My father said, waving off Mom. "She'll need the energy today."

Sliding my hand across the table and swiping the orange juice from the other end, I proceeded to eye up my succulent morning bacon for consumption. "Oh I do this time?"

"Did you get my messages yet?" My father asked.

"Haven't gotten a chance to open my phone." I responded in the middle of chewing my bacon, causing me to catch a nasty side eye from Mom.

"Well then you best eat quickly so you can get ready, you have a very important interview to attend soon."

"Hm?" I swallowed. My face sunk into a frown as I asked, "It was accepted?"

"There hasn't been a response from the team yet." Dad said, both of us sighing out opposite emotions. "Alas, I'm sure you'll manage to get the job. I w-" The clang of my knife cut off my father.


"You understand how much I do not like being interrupted."


"As I was saying. I understand this is coming as a shock, however this is all for the sake of using your potential to the fullest." Dad said as Mom took his now empty cup.

I took a pause before I responded, "What about studying? Camp? Isn't this going to mess up all my tuition classes?"

"I've already sorted that out. I've realized there's no point in forcing a horse to drink when they wish not to." Dad said as he laid his hands onto the table. 

"A horse?" I paused.

"Do not play coy with me girl. I know how you've been skipping classes. I know when you've been laying off the work given to you. I know of every single thing you've done, yet I've been so patient as to give you a chance to straighten up on your own."

"Fath-" Dad's fist slammed the table

"Do not interrupt me."

I raised my voice, refusing to back down, "I've been trying! I've been trying my best. I've been doing as much as I can. I've taken every single thing you've thrown, every single bullshi-"


"No Dad. No. You don't get to stop me this time."


"Dad." My shriek shook jagged as the path each tears took across my cheeks.

"Go to your room." he said. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Why." I sniffled. "Just. Why." I couldn't face him as I spoke on my way to my door. I hung my head low, fist shaking in its tensed grasp. Slam. Shut.

Today was gonna be a long day.

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