Change of Scenery

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New York, 1952

          "Kiss the hand of your enemy if you cannot chop it off."

     Beth's eyes shut up from her book, a huge frown spread across her features, clearly showing her confusion about Violet's words. "Come again?" she spoke, her eyes going back down to her shamefully cheap, tattered book.

     Violet stood, not too far away from the redhead, in front of the mirror, where she'd been staring at her own reflection for the past few minutes. It was past midnight and also their last day in Paris. She hadn't been surprised to see that Benny wasn't actually in Paris. From what she'd been aware of, Benny Watts was just an ordinary — yet purposeful and strong-wild man, with a little bit of haughtiness in the corner of his mouth, chess champion.

     So, why would he bother himself — and Cleo, just to make it look like he cared and blow it off, right?

     When the brunette had finally given up on staring at her boring pyjamas, she spun around, her back now facing the mirror. As she was able to see Beth again, ready to shed light on her question, Violet's eyes caught a glimpse of what her friend was reading. Her eyes widened at the sight of it, which caused her to walk over her and take the empty spot on the bed.

          "You seriously need to read his book? It's not like you need it."

          "You seriously need to say nonsense out loud?" Beth replied off-hand.

          "Wait," she occurred again. "I asked you first."

     Violet tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, giving up the tough act. "And It's not nonsense," she said, outraged by her response.

        "If you envy someone for having something that you're unable to earn or acquire, you can either be jealous or you can either admire him for it. They want something from you as well," Violet explained, despite Beth hadn't requested any clarification from her.

          "Mhm," She let out a sigh and put the book and the small chessboard back on her nightstand. "Uh, have you opened the letter yet?" The redhead let their conversation digress into something much more delicate for both. Violet had been knowing about Beth's feelings towards Benny, the situation, their relationship and obviously her feelings about her. She wasn't a pro at hiding what she felt but maybe if Beth wanted to, Violet could bet she would hide more things from her. Besides her prodigy title, Beth had a discerning eye and good sense.

          "I'm not even sure that it's a letter," Violet's gaze shot back to the envelope, ignoring the fact that Beth had managed to change the subject without hesitation. She didn't mean to put any pressure on her anyway. "Looks like one, though. Why?"

          "Aren't you curious?" Beth answered fast, her reply followed by a shrug. "It's been hours."

     She had her hands on her stomach, sometimes looking up at the ceiling. Violet was still sitting in the same spot, feeling extremely cream-crackered, expecting her brain to shut down at any moment. Their last days in Paris had been quite fun, but there was always an hour, or perhaps a few minutes, where Violet's thoughts would get guided by curiosity, empathy, love and compassion. She hadn't opened Benny's so-to-speak present 'cause anytime her gaze would land on it, a wave of fear was taking over. A new thought was born in her mind, of what ignited the passion into defensive mode, which she feared. She feared that passion, her feelings, she didn't want to fall back into that pit, to fall for him. Fall for his movements and gestures, his brilliance, his way of being. She was lucky that Benny's attempt had failed because Violet was vulnerable and craving for someone to be by her side, help her, and love her, more than Beth or anyone had done. She couldn't remember how love felt and she had a strange hunch that Benny could show her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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