Part 3

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She told Sayaka to bring you to her office which Sayaka did

"Hello Y/n" She says as You arrive Sayaka leaves

"Hey Kirari" You say acting like Nothing happened

"Okay let's stop the play I Called You here because.. I wanted to apologize" She says

"İts alright Kirari" You say

"Thank you I would Like to try again With you Y/n.. İf that's Okay could we get back together?" She asks

"Sorry Kirari but.. Im with Ririka Now We are dating" You say

What.. My Sister.. She is dating my Sister?

"Oh.. I- That's fine You could Leave now" Kirari says You nod and Leave her room

She looks at the picture of you and her İn your 1 year anniversary

Tears starts to drop on to the picture she quickly wipes Her tears off

Why did I ever

I wish I didn't leave her

I miss her

I need her


She Came up to You

"Hey Y/n.." She says

"Midari. Hi" You say

"I uh I wanna get back with you" She says

"Like I wanna kiss you" She adds

"I can't"

"Why?" She asks

"Im dating Kirari" You say

Her Eye Widens

"No.. NO! But I love you!" She shouts and drops on her knees Crying

Please don't leave me

I need you


"Im sorry Midari" You say and Leave her there

She Stands up and Runs To the bathroom

"Just once.. Just twice" she starts Telling as she shoots herself with Blanks


She comes up to you

"Hey.. Y/n" She says

"Hi Yumeko"

"Im sorry for you know.. I wanna get back together" She says

"Yumeko.. I can't.. Im dating Mary" You say

My friend?


My 'girlfriend' is dating Mary..

"Oh I'll leave you then" She says as She Leaves You alone

That day she didn't speak Her eyes Glowing Red as she Won every single Gamble Leaving them İn huge Depts

I miss you Y/n


(Im so sorry baby bean ❤️)

She came up to you and tapped on your Shoulder

".. Hey Ririka" You say

"Hi.. I-Im sorry I wanna get back together with.. You" She says

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