"I painted Amphi's face when she was asleep one day." He giggled on his own joke like a kid.

"Will you shut up." I said through gritted teeth. He narrowed his eyes and returned my stare. His eyes were blue, unlike mine though. My eyes were darker, as midnight while his were deep and oceanic. I didn't even realise that we had started a staring competition until he chimed, "you blinked!" And started giggling again.

I grunted and smacked my fist on the table. He shrugged and muttered, "Losers cry," and started downing his liquor. Silence graced my ears for a few moments. The thin oyster-white watch on my wrist ticked for five hundred and thirty second time and he spoke again, "I want to confess something."

"Oh, for Gods' sake. Shut up!" He ignored my objection.

"I once evolved an earthquake and Zeus fell right on his face from the throne." He laughed out loud this time, attracting everyone's attention. His laughter was melodic and funny but not enough to soothe me.

The rubbish conversation at least passed my time. It continued with him blabbering about all unintelligible things in the world. At the very last, he said that we are all going to be doomed in an year so why not drink and have fun and when my tongue accidentally slipped and I asked why, his drunken state sobered for a moment and he said in a serious baritone, "Because the moon is lost," and then he was back with the absurd behaviour. Well, more vexing than absurd to be honest.

I sighed in relief when my eyes found that Maria was heading out. I could leave now. But what about this passed out man.

What's wrong with you Silver, let the idiot be and leave.

Why should I even care about this man who was crazy enough to call himself king of the seas and then pick out this stupid pen with a trident on top and kiss it.

Seriously. I am crazy.

I picked out his phone from the pocket of his jacket. After pressing his thumb to the screen I checked the contacts.

Gods he was truly insane.

The list contained names like; Ares, Amphi, Apollo, Artemis, Dio, Epialus etcetera.

I dialed 'Amphi' in hopes that she'll be his wife as he mentioned some Amphi earlier. Please be it not any concubine.

The buzzing stopped after six rings as the opposite side accepted the call.

'Hello?' I said hesitatingly.

'Who is this?' The lady asked in a melodious voice, leaving me dazzled for a moment.

'Um- yeah, yeah I am Silver and this man whose phone I am calling though, has actually passed out in this club.'

There was silence for a beat then she finally responded.

'I'll be right there young lady, can you name the club.'

'Its, the Downtown club.' I heard the doubt in my voice, in reality I forgot the name as soon as Myra messaged me.

Five minutes and a beautiful lady was walking in front of me. She wore an ethereal indigo jumpsuit. Her blond tresses fell down freely to her waist. She radiated an aura. A very strong one. She made heads turn while walking and I myself was spell-bound to her. She was still to find me and to be honest, I wasn't sure she was Amphi but something just made me feel that she was.

"Stop staring at my wife eh. I do not share," The man beside me had woken up. And he was spilling rubbish once again. I contained my anger and jerked my face towards him. He stared at my eyes in awe for a second before she finally approached us.

"Silver?" Her flawless--but cold--voice ringed in my ear. And while I stood gawking at her, the man stood up and hugged her.

"Oh Amphitrite," She rolled her eyes and passed a smile to me.

"Thank you young lady, now I may take your leave."

"Wow, you are so formal, this man is your exact opposite,"

Her smile widened, her eyes flickered towards my bangs. I subconsciously pulled them back and she finally broke the contact.

"Thank you again," she quoted and vanished carrying the heavy built man on her shoulders.

"Excuse me?" I called from behind. She turned with a confused look.

"He dropped this." I handed her the pen which he had dropped earlier. Unexpectedly, she gasped on seeing it.

"Th-thank you," She stuttered and took it from me. I couldn't help but be puzzled about the sudden shift of her elegant persona to this panicky one.

But I didn't have the time to think either. I needed to rush back home.

Ciao bellas/Bellos!
Sometimes I wish the Silver inside me hadn't suppresed. I mean, what's wrong in being high-headed, not that I am not. I am high-headed for people with attitude but still, I am soft-hearted and get hurt so easily finally ending up in crying my eyes out.
*sigh* Am too lonely...

|| Question time ||

Assumption question: Who is Amphirite?
Forseeing question: Why was she shocked to see the pen in Silver's hand?
Character question: What do you think about the drunk man?

Word count: 1310

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