Chapter 8

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'We need to find dad, right now.' Lisa said. The demons all dispersed when Helen did and the girls made a frantic move for their room.

'Grab everything magic related, we can't let demons get anything.' Katherine said. Lisa picked up the book and put it in her backpack along with their potion ingredients.

'Leave everything else, it's not important.' Amy said.

'Where would dad be?' Dani asked.

'Let me call him.' Katherine said. She dialled his number and waited. 'Come on, come on.' She bit her lip anxiously.

'Katherine?' Her father answered.

'Dad, thank God.' She said. 'Look, you need to meet us downstairs right now.'

'What's going on?' He asked.

'We'll explain everything okay just meet us.' Katherine said.

'Okay, I'm on my way.' He confirmed. Katherine hung up the phone and turned to the group.

'Let's go.' She ordered and they were out of the door.


Helen walked Christina out of the manor and through the woods. A little while later they came upon another structure. Helen opened the door and ushered Christina inside. 'Is this where you make up all your evil plans?' Christina asked, looking around.

'No, just this one.' Helen told her.

'How long have you known we were witches?' Christina asked.

'Please, you already know the answer to that question.' Helen said.

'So what, you see an opening with our dad. Flash those big blues of yours and set your plan in motion. Of course he's not going to say no to you.'

'Give him some credit Christina, he never actually told me you were witches.'

'Good for him.' Christina stopped abruptly when Helen grabbed her arm and turned her down another hall. There were two demons standing outside of a door.

'Move.' Helen said to the demons before she opened the basement door. She shoved Christina towards the stairs and followed her down. When she got to the bottom Christina saw Lauren, head slumped in the chair in the centre of the room.

'Lauren.' Christina said, heading right over to her. Before she could take two steps Helen had grabbed her, pulling her back. 'What are you doing!' Christina shouted. 'She's hurt, let me go.'

'She's fine.' Helen said as the purple eyed demon brought out another chair. He put it down opposite Lauren and Helen sat Christina down in it. Almost immediately, the cuffs on Christina's wrists clasped onto the char. Christina struggled for a moment but never took her eyes off of her sister.

'Lauren, Lauren can you hear me?' Christina said.

'Mmmm.' Lauren mumbled.

'Hey, Laur, wake up for me.' Christina said, smiling a little. Lauren raised her head and Christina saw the cut on her chest.

'Chris?' Lauren said gently.

'Yeah, it's me.'

'What are you doing here? Helen's a demon.' Lauren told her.

'I know, it's okay.' Christina tried to reassure her. Christina turned to Helen and gave it a shot. 'I'm here now, let her go.' Helen smiled, exactly as Christina was expecting.

'Nope, sorry. Now I have the two most powerful Cimorelli's.'

'You don't need her.' Christina said as she saw Lauren becoming more aware of what was going on.

'No, but it can't hurt to have her here, can it.' Helen said.

'Why here? What are you even doing?' Christina asked.

'There's a nexus here.' Helen told her. Christina looked at Lauren who shook her head.

'No there isn't.' Lauren said.

'We would have felt a nexus.' Christina added.

'It's buried underground, so very far down. No one knows it's here apart from me.' Helen started walking around the room. Her demons standing vigil behind Christina.

'But you don't have enough power to reach it.' Christina said.

'I thought Lauren's beam might have been enough but it's not. Lisa's death magic doesn't work like yours either so, you are my last option. Now. I can kill both of you and take your powers, or you can open the nexus for me.' She looked at Christina. 'Then I might not kill you afterwards.'

'Pretty sure that's a lie.' Lauren said.

'Let Lauren go right now and I'll open it for you.' Christina bargained.

'Chris!' Lauren scolded, still trying to wriggle her wrists free. They had started to bleed at some point but she couldn't remember when.

'Open it, and then I'll let her go.' Helen countered. Christina shook her head and laughed.

'I hate demons.' Christina mumbled. 

'Think about it Christina. I have a few things to tidy up.' Helen said before turning to her demons. 'Test her power, just to be sure.'

'Yes boss.' Green eyes said as Helen left the room.


They found their father waiting for them as they'd instructed. They hurried over to him and Lisa grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the door. He stopped and made them all turn. 'Woah, girls, what's the rush?'

'We need to get you out of here.' Lisa said.

'Absolutely not, I'm getting married.' Robert said.

'Dad we're so sorry.' Katherine started and Roberts face fell.

'Where's Helen? Did a demon get her? Is she okay?' Robert asked frantically.

'Dad she's fine.' Amy said, not sure how to tell him so Dani took over.

'She is the demon, okay?' Dani blurted out. Robert looked at her dumbfounded and then began to laugh.

'This is a joke, right? I know you girls don't really want me to marry her but this is a bit extreme.'

'It's not a joke dad.' Lisa said.

'She's really evil.' Amy told him. 'She took Lauren.'

'What are you talking about?' Robert exclaimed. 'I've know her for over a year. She's not a demon.'

'You knew mum for ten before you found out she was a witch.' Katherine reminded him.

'Hold on, where is Lauren?' Robert asked.

'Christina's gone to get her.' Dani said. 'And we need to get you out of here before you get hurt.'

'Please dad, trust us.' Lisa said. Robert nodded and followed them out of the building.

'Here.' Katherine gave him her car keys. 'Take my car and go back to our house. We'll meet you there as soon as we can.'

'No, I'm not leaving you.' Robert said.

'You can't help dad.' Amy reminded him. 'We need to get to Chris and Lauren and you'll only be a distraction.' Robert let out a sigh and rubbed his face.

'God, fine.' He said, opening the car and getting in. 'Be careful.'

'Always.' Katherine nodded. They watched him drive away and turned just in time to see Helen coming towards them.

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