the beginning of a new Era

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Me, Jug, JB, and dad get home we sit in the living room talking about Stonewall prep

"we don't want to go" Jug and I say in usion

"I had a talk with this Mr. Chipping who contacted you 2" dad said

Me and jug look at each other with worried faces then we  look back at our dad

"He said you two were some of the best writers he had seen in years" Dad says

Me and jug laugh at the fact that the teacher thought we were good writers though we had been writing most of our life's

Dad says sternly "you think this is funny"

Our faces go blank we stare at our dad then all of our phones go off mine jugs JBs and our dads

We have a group chat with the serpents the text is from fangs it reads "JUG, Y/N THE GOUILES THOSE BASTARDS HAVE HOT DOG"

Me, Jug, JB, and Dad get up and get on our bikes and meet at tent city we then go to the gouiles hide out and stake it out

Cheryl and Toni say "can't we just go get Hotdog and peel"

me and Jug say "fine"

We walk up to hotdog it looks like he hasn't eaten in days then we see penny pea body.

Penny then goes on and says well, well, well isn't it the serpent king and queen 👑.

Author note: sorry for the bad grammar and leaving you on a cliff hanger I will post sometime again tomorrow love you guys and hope you like the story so far 😁😇🤩🥴💅

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