The Forest

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     Dream grabbed my arm pulling me out of the cell and up the stairs towards the front door. We then turned the corner and went down the side of the house where there was a ladder leading to the roof.

"W-we're going up th-there" I stuttered stoping in my tracks as soon as I saw Dream reach the ladder.

"Ya, why?" turning and giving me a confused look

"oh um no reason" I said scratching the back of my neck 

"Hold on, are you scared of heights" he chuckled lightly

"No I'm not" I crossed my arms and swiftly walked by him 

"Ya ok sure, I totally believed that" He said rolling his eyes and coming up behind me

"Im not scared of heights" I spat at him, starting to climb up the ladder. 

     When I got to the top I walked over to the ledge looking over it. My legs were starting to shake a bit, and I was starting to panic as memories from my past filled my head. 

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    I was running through the forest away from guards. Jumping over fallen branches and running through small streams. I was doing anything I could to lose them and get away from that horrible place.

     I looked over my shoulder seeing that they were still on my trail. I turned my head forward again and stopped dead in my tracks before I could fall over a very steep cliff.

     I had two options: Be caught and killed or jump and hope the water would be enough protection to save me

I turned around to face the guards, who had caught up to me

"Well boys looks like I've ran out of options" I said as I took a step back off the ledge 

I wasn't fast enough to jump because one of their arrows caught me in my upper chest

As I was falling I closed my eyes and felt the thrilling rush of falling, excepting my fate. 


I was knocked out as soon as my body hit the shallow water......

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"Y/N!! Are you ok" Dreams voice brought me out of my surreal trance

"I-I um just mem-memories" I took a shaky breath backing away from the edge and sat down on the roof

"Are you sure, cause you were just staring into space shaking for a good 10 minutes" He said sitting beside me, rubbing his hand in circles on my back

Doomsday (Dreamsmpxreader)Where stories live. Discover now