💖Valentine's Day Special 💖

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<Feel free to skip the ones you don't want to read, sorry this is late, but enjoy! Also this isn't on the same timeline of the book, just a silly holiday>

~A day with Pump~

Pump and I have been in love for years...you'd think something as silly Valentine's day would be spent...sleeping or something. Pump is always full of surprises. He'd naturally do something sweet like give me chocolates or snacks...but he was acting...weird. He didn't give me anything, when we woke up he didn't say much...and he'd leave the house constantly....something is...wrong...

I just spent my day on the couch overthinking. Maybe he forgot today was the 14th? Maybe he doesn't have time...or he needs to visit family...

I just really hope he isn't seeing someone....


"Hey...Y/n?" Pump walked up to me...in an odd demeanor.
"Yes?" I responded.
"Wanna go to the park today? Sorry I wasnt exactly here that much...I had to get some things together..." he chuckled nervously.
I smiled lightly and nodded, rushing to my room to get ready....I wonder what he had planned.


Once I was ready I went to the livingroom where I met him wearing fancy clothing. Alrighty...then?

"You ready?" He asked.
"Yeah!" I said with enthusiasm. He smiled a bit and led me to the car.


A few minutes pass and we arrived. I got out and ran to the park, everything looked so nice. There were balloons, streamers, rose..petals..all that lovely stuff. I look over at a tree and there was a picnic. I pointed at it and looked at Pump, he nodded reassuringly that, that was ours. I immediately rushed over there to eat. He joined me.


"Hey Y/n...look up!" Pump exclaimed. I obliged and saw a plane...it had some words on the back of it..


Wait...wait, wait, wait...

I slowly look down and turn around to see Pump in a proposing position.

I gasped and teared up, covering my mouth as I internally start to scream with joy. No...way..

I was practically speechless so I nodded and tackled him to hug him. He put the ring on my ring finger which had a diamond shaped pumpkin on it. I cry silently in happiness as he takes me home to celebrate.

~A day with Skid~

Today was Valentine's Day. Of course me being the quiet person I am...I decide to stay hidden from everyone. Going onto the bus I see couples beyond couples being all lovey-dovey. I mentally scoff as I take a seat by myself.

A few minutes go by and we arrive at the next stop, I roll my eyes knowing there's going to be more relationships arriving or whatever.

"I-is this seat taken?"

I look over at a nervous white-haired sophomore, I sigh softly.

Their Backup// FNF x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt