|| chapter 2

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boun's view.

it's been exactly 5 days,
since i gave him my letter-
i really wonder what he did with my letter and why he doesn't calls me, i mean..
i wrote my phone number on the letter.

maybe it doesn't helps to wait for him, maybe i should go to the library and talk to him by myself? it's kinda embarrassing too.. like the letter i wrote for him-
but nevermind! i already did something embarrassing, that means i can do it again! i guess-

all i want to do is just talking to a cute boy and get noticed by him but what is if he's asleep again? then i'm pretty unlucky.. but maybe i'm lucky tho?

okay i'm getting so much more nervous, when i'm thinking more about it so i'll go to the library now-


he is here but i guess one of his friends is with him.. why am i getting sad?
i mean.. he of course can have friends.

oh wait-
i just noticed that his friend is walking out of the library-
okay! that's my chance!

oh? he stands up, goes to the bookshelves and tries to get the book off the bookshelf but is too small to reach the book-

okay! that's also my chance!

|| should i write the chaps longer? :))
also it's 7 am for me and i didnt slept yet so uhm.. imma try to sleep :D

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