"Ugh! I'm sorry. But I don't get it! Why can't you just let me in? When I use this, it will be to protect me! So why can't you act like a normal person and not a skilled orange!" I yelled at him.

He looks shocked and stands up. He walks to his desk and sits down. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I say to him.

"I just.....I just want to be able to control all this. And I love what your doing. I haven't slipped in months. It's helped so so much. But I can't get into your head to practice, because your skilled and know how to control it. But others won't be like you, and I'll be able to get in easily, and I'm only going to use it in times of need, to protect me and others, so when will you let me in your head?" I ask him.

He looks up from his desk.

"It's ok Genevieve. It's just you need to understand, if you were to go against people like my dad or anyone up their in the military, they might be skilled. I have met people who were almost able to lock me out. They had good control of their minds. You have been doing good and almost breaking my barrier, and if you can almost break mine, you will be able to break theirs. But I just want to be safe." He said to me.

He motioned to the bed so I sat down again a sun tried and tried for the next few hours to get into his head. With not luck he sent me off.

This was how we rolled. I would try to get into his head and or he would try to get into mine. We would work like this for hours at a time until he sent me off thinking it was enough for one day.

Some days we only worked for a few hours and others took till sunrise to almost sundown or dinner. It was a lot of work on my body mentally and physically.

It wore me out and pushed me. I learned a lot about myself that I didn't know. Clancy brought back good memories I didn't even know I had.

I knew they were real though. No one can make up a memory like that. I knew he could make up things but he wouldn't do that.

They were good memories from my lost childhood. What I had of it. I had lost my innocence when I was taken to that god awful camp at 10. And I don't think I will ever get it back.

What sucks is I'm not 11. It's not like I could just get it back. I'm 16 years old and grown way more than I should be. My mind is well beyond my years. My body has taken that Same toll.

I'm way too malnourished as a 16 year shouldn't be. I should be heathy, and full, but I'm not. I'm skinny and boney. It's not a good look. I have some muscle but not a lot of it.

I gained some when we were first in the run and got some more when we got here. I started taking runs and Clancy would help me fight but other than that, I'm not skilled.

When I got back to the cabin Liam was asleep with Zu snuggled up to him. When I walked in she started to move but I told her not too. She would wake a very sleepy Liam.

I walked over and slowly removed her from his arms.  She hugged me and she seemed really happy. I soon found out why.

They had 'report cards' and she had a note from the teacher saying she was going really well and was acing all her classes. That was good. She should be valedictorian of her, what would it be, 4th grade class?

Oh well she was doing good and that all that mattered. I gave her a kiss on the head and placed her in her bed. "I'll wake you for dinner." I said to her.

As soon as she was asleep I ran back to Clancy's office.

"Clancy?!" I asked and he came out of the bathroom with a told around his waist. He had a nice 4 pack.

"Omg I'm so sorry!" I said closing my eyes and turning around.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I heard him go back into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Nothing, I was wondering if I could ask you something though." I said to him through the door.

"Ok, anything, go on." He said.

"So zu just got her report card back. And she was doing really well in her classes and was passing all of them, so I was wondering if tonight at dinner we could make something sweet to celebrate not only her, but all the other kids." I said.

When I got no response I continued. "Pleaseee! After all this the kids are doing so well in their classes and actually getting an education that some won't ever get! I'll work for dinner too! Please?!" I said and he came out dressed this time.

He was shaking his head and smiling .

"What?" I asked feeing embarrassed.

"It's nice how you care so much about her. I like it. And sure. I'll arrange something. And you can work on dishing out tonight. I'll call up Kiley and she can help you." He said and with that I was on the porch and waiting for Kiley.

I can't wait for Zu to find out about what I'm doing for her and her class. She will be so happy!

Sorry for the short chapter. I will try to get in some more later. I just don't like leaving you guys for so long so here is something. I hope you like it!

Only You. (LIAM STEWART x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin