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Character Information:
Name: Y/N Ryuu
Age: 10,000+
Height: 5'1
Personality: She is very kind and caring but doesn't show it a lot. She can be very straightforward and very blunt. She always has a straight face and rarely smiles. She talks casually to everyone and can be emotionless at times.
Appearance: She has white long hair with mismatched eyes. Her left eye is blue and her right eye is yellow. She wears an eye patch on her right eye or just covers her eyes with her hair. She wears formal clothes a lot of the time.
Mother: Reyna Ryuu(Deceased)
Father: Aku Ryuu(Deceased)
Brother: Haru Ryuu(Deceaed)
Status: Pureblood
Skills: She can do almost anything in a small amount of time. She mostly uses the katana unless she needs to use something else. She has her parents powers along with her twin brothers power.
Background: She was young when she lost her parents and twin brother. They were killed by hunters but before they passed they gave her, their blood so she could have their powers. She ran away after so they couldn't kill her. She was living on her own until Rido took her in. She made sure he knew his place when he tried anything to her. After a while she left and went her own way. One day, she was walking around and saw a pureblood leave with a child from a house. She walked in and saw blood everywhere. She checked to see if anyone survive which luckly, a boy did. He looked exactly like the other boy who left with the pureblood. She picked him up and walked towards a the door. She walked out and saw hunters there already. She walked to a blond male and handed him the boy. She left as soon as she told him to tell him who saved him. She has never seen him until she goes to cross academy. She is well known in Vampire Society but she doesn't mind. She always attends gatherings for vampires and helps kill level e vampires.

 She always attends gatherings for vampires and helps kill level e vampires

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{^This is you}

Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nickname
F/C - Favorite Color
F/S - Favorite Snack

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