A Blast from the Past

Start from the beginning

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That night he had gone to get her and told Doflamingo about her. He accepted her openly. It had been three months since she joined. Rosinante had grown quite fond of her, but tonight would be the night he would fake her death, so she could leave. Doflamingo was growing fond of her as well. She was a big contrast to his personality. He was in love with her. Rosinante was though as well. Currently she had been helping Doffy organize his book shelf. "Lena?" She hummed not noticing him lick his lips as he checked her rear out. "The next mission.. I don't think it requires you. Why don't you stay behind with me?" Doflamingo had planned on asking for her hand that night. He told Rosinante the day before for his brother's opinion. Rosinante not wanting to draw suspicion told him to go for it. "I really would Doflamingo, but I promised señor pink I'd go. He's going through something." She lied perfectly. Everything about her was perfect. Rosinante was deeply in love with her. Once she finished, she walked off to her room. Rosinante followed her wanting to talk to her about the plan. Once he entered he locked her door and set a bubble around her so they could talk. "I keep forgetting about your devil fruit corazon." He shrugged before telling her about the plan. "So tonight essentially I die?" He nodded, "Yes Lena, I'll take you back to your original home and you could live there once again-" "Do you promise you'll visit me?"He stopped looking in shock as she blushed slightly. "Rosi do you promise you'll visit me? You were my..well you were the only reason this whole thing was easy..and I'm not ready to let you go..so please visit me." He looked at her before laughing and showing her a genuine smile. "Yes Lena I will...you remember the signal?" She nodded excitedly, "Yes I'll wait for you!" She hugged him tightly. Well as much as she could he was very tall. Rosinante leaned down taking her scent in not wanting this moment to end.

~~~~~~~~~~*3 months later*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doflamingo had taken the 'death' of Lena hard. He had locked himself in his room for weeks. Rosinante had never been happier knowing Lena was safe and his secret of visiting her every Saturday. One night, three months after, he had gone to go for his annual visit. Shining his light exactly three times, he sat tapping his foot impatiently wanting her to appear. His plans had begun coming to an end and he wanted Lena to be with him afterwards. "Rosi!" He helped her on board laughing as she almost fell. He put a bubble around them so no one around could hear. "Lena you don't have to be so excited every Saturday I come.." She shook her head, "I will always be excited to see you Rosi...." Rosinante smiled before bending down to her height, "Well how would you feel if I took you away? If we moved to small cottage, a river nearby so you could swim...if every night it was just us and these visits would be everyday...I'd wake up with you and- Sorry I got carried away there-" "No Rosinante please keep going..please." She held his hand trying to keep her tears at bay. "Please Rosi..." He sighed tightening his grip. "I'd wake up with you everyday..I'd hold you close every night and I'd whisper my love for you everyday until our last breath and I'd make sure I'd go first before you I can't imagine a moment without you in my life-" Lena cut him off pressing her lips tightly against his sobbing, "Please Rosinante take me away with you...I don't want these late night visits every Saturday I want what you just described ..please.." He hugged her tightly shushing her as she cried. "I'm so tired of being alone..everyone here looks at me weirdly after knowing what I've done...your the only one who doesn't treat me differently Rosi..I want to be with you.." He laughed crying with her. "Lena I promise I will get you that life...I will be with you and love you until my dying breath..I'm almost done here once I am I will come signal my flashlight and take you away..we'll have to be in hiding for a while but-" "As long as I'm with you I don't care!" She hugged him tightly as he laughed. "Rosi I want you to mark me...as a sea witch it shows I don't need anyone else it ties you too me please mark me!" He grew red in the face before nodding, "Alright Lena you are mine and I am yours.." She nodded before locking their lips together. They made love that night. A month later, he had gone to visit her on their usual Saturday meeting. "Lena, my love you almost always fall." "And your always on fire Rosi...." He laughed before stopping seeing her have a nervous look. "Lena is everything alright?-" "I'm pregnant!" She covered her mouth in shock. "I had a plan to ease that onto you and everything Oh my god..." She stopped before looking up hearing him sniffle. "Lena do you promise to wait for me? I want this baby in our cottage with us..." Lena looked up throwing herself into his hold. "Rosi I want that more than anything...I can't wait to leave with you.. I love you.." He spent the night relaying his love to her begging for the heavens to give them a happy ending.

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