Just Another Day at Work...

Start from the beginning

"Wait, you're friends with Ryan Culver, aren't you? And we met last weekend at his party, right?" He asks after a few moments of thought.

My friend, Ryan works for a management company so he's friends with a decent amount of celebrities and other music industry people and sometimes he invites me to his parties.

Oh no. I was almost blacked out when I met Harry last weekend, I remember and start to panic.

I had blocked out the little memory I had of that night because I was fairly certain I probably embarrassed myself. So not only did I meet and probably embarrass myself in front of my teenage celebrity crush, the universe somehow managed to force our paths to cross again and Harry remembers our first interaction.

I laugh a little, trying to make it seem like no big deal, then say, "I'm surprised you remember that."

Harry chuckles a little then replies, "Me? I'm surprised you remember. I'm pretty sure you were way worse than I was."

I feel myself blush a little and thank God the car is dark and he can't see my embarrassment.

"Well anyway, we're almost at the police station then you can call an Uber or something," I suggest, trying my best to change the subject.

"I think I'd rather hang with you if that's okay," he replies.


"Are you sure? I'm just gonna be sitting in this parking lot working for the next two hours until I have to go live for the news at 11." I'm still trying to sound casual and nonchalant, but on the inside, I'm freaking out. I know most people would be excited to spend an evening with Harry Styles, but for me, it's just another opportunity to embarrass myself.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Why the fuck would he want to sit in a police station parking lot with me? Does he not have better things to do? I mean it's Valentine's Day for crying out loud and he's Harry Styles.

As we're talking, I pull into the police station parking lot and park in an empty spot.

"Alright, but don't complain when you end up bored out of your mind," I joke with a smile back at him through the rearview mirror. "Could you move up to the passenger seat, though? I like to move my seat back when I'm working."

"Oh, yeah, of course," he replies quickly, unlocking and opening his door.

How I'm managing to act like a normal person I have no idea, but I'll take the win.

He quickly moves around the front of the car and to the passenger side. While he's walking I find myself staring. He's wearing black athletic shorts and a black sweatshirt, yet he pulls it off in the best way. His hood isn't up anymore and his hair is a little wild but in the best way.

I tell myself to snap out of fan mode and back to normal person mode by the time he opens the passenger door and I'm brought completely out of my thoughts when he speaks up again.

"Where can I move this stuff to?"

"Oh, sorry. I totally forgot I had stuff there. I'll take it," I reply, reaching for my lunch box and small makeup bag and placing them behind the center console in the back seat.

As Harry moves to sit in the passenger seat and close the door, I move my seat back all the way and grab my laptop bag from the backseat. While I'm waiting for my laptop to turn on I look up and see that Harry's pulled out his phone and seems to be scrolling through Instagram or something.

I turn my attention back to my laptop before he catches me staring at him and completely zone into my work.

Next thing I know about an hour's gone by. I glance over at Harry and see that he's still scrolling through his phone. Why he wants to sit in a car with me--basically a stranger--is beyond me, but I won't complain.

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