"I'm taking you somewhere far away from where i'm headed," He declared but recalled her claims about making the skewer mochi and how the club stand was beside his own. The world must not be on his side today, but it's definitely on Hoshino's because the moment she saw one of her old classmates, Wakamatsu Kōsuke, he called out her hubby's name, "Aomine-kun, where've you been?!"

"Ao? Like— your hair?" Hoshino asked as she turned to look at him then back at Wakamatsu who complained about Aomine's disappearance, "How cute!" The sudden comment made both guys look at her, but she was too busy laughing to herself to notice.

Aomine took this as a chance to try and get her hand off his bicep, but that resulted in him getting smacked, "It's common courtesy to let a me hold onto you after the things you did." The lack of details made Wakamatsu's mind fly places it shouldn't have and he immediately took a step back in shock at her bluntness.

"Hoshi-san— Where were you?" A second-year friend and club-mate suddenly called out and both Hoshino and Aomine turned around, one of which was more bothered than the other, and it wasn't the former. "Did you hand out the fliers?" He asked and Hoshino nodded, "I'm just about done with them, I've got a couple left."

"Alright— Give them here." The demand brightened Hoshino's mood to the max, so she immediately handed them to the boy, "You'll hand them out, Tanakkun?" He nodded in agreement then walked into the crowd to hand out the rest of the fliers. Now to Hoshino's disdain, that meant she had to leave Aomine's side and help tend the stand in case anymore students decide they'd be up to join the club.

"Don't miss me too much, Mine-chan~!" She let go of his bicep and stared at him whilst waiting for a response, "Whatever, just go already." He rolled his eyes, but watched as she smiled and hurried to meet with the other two club members that managed the stand.

Tired from being out and under the burning sun, Hoshino stood up from the chair, she was glad her hair hadn't gotten stuck on the back of the seat, but her thighs felt clammy from sweating. With a long and tired sigh, she stretched and moved out of the way.

The two third-years quickly sorted the applications for the club advisor, gathered their belongings, then with a quick word of gratitude and acknowledgment took their leave, meaning they left the rest to the second years.

Hoshino packed up the last of the mochi skewers into the cooler as the others cleaned up the tables and chairs, making sure they're good to return them to the academy's storage unit.

"You still got more skewer mochi?" To her surprise, it was Aomine, he didn't seem to dislike bothering her if it meant he got something he wanted, but much to his disdain, Hoshino wouldn't give him such satisfaction too quickly, "Oh— I'm sorry. We just got done with the last batch." He stared at the cooler, recalling her previous actions, but he didn't say anything assuming she'd take it back with a laugh, which she didn't, because she had other plans.

"If you come with me, I'll make you however many mochis you want, maybe even something better— Just you name it, Mine-chan!" She didn't give him a second to think before saying goodbye to her club-mates, "Nice work, everyone. Just finish up'ere and head home, I'll take care'f the clubroom." She dragged the cooler in one hand and gently clung onto Aomine's bicep with the other.

Once they arrived and the Home Ec. room, Aomine took a look around the room, it was spacious, but packed with furniture, supplies, and decor. "Take a seat on the couch, it'll take me a couple'f minutes." Hoshino directed Aomine towards the further right corner of the room, then walked over to the kitchen, which is opposite of the lounge area.

The redhead could feel his eyes on her as she put what was inside the cooler into the fridge. Although, he knew he hadn't seen wrong, he still much preferred fresher food, so he kept quiet. "Did you come up with anything? Or should I decide for you?" The question made him look up from the dish in the fridge to her face that itched with excite, "Not sure."

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