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CHAPTER 01 - Instant Shut-Down

Standing tall and proud, but bored out of her mind, Hoshino, the red-haired second-year pouted as she strode ahead of a chatty third-year and his girlfriend (her friend), a short teal-haired second-year in gal-like getup.

Skipping a step then spinning on her heels, the redhead grinned at the shorter yet older boy, "Shouldn't ya get going, Ogihara-senpai? You're helping set up for the ceremony ain'tcha?" She blinked to create delicacy in her tone, but Watanabe caught onto her rushing, "Y- Yeah, you should go, Darling."

Standing on her toes, she pecked a kiss on Ogihara's cheek, then slowly let go of his chubby hand, turning away to hide her falling tears as he began to sorrily retreat, "I'll walk you home, Miori-chan! You won't wait too long, I promise!"

Witnessing their heart aching interaction, Hoshino plastered an even larger grin across her face, "Bye, Ogre-saaan~!" She waved her left hand in the air as a goodbye, whilst her right hid the short giggles that escaped her lips.

When she spun back to proceed in direction of wherever they headed, the shorter second-year began her not-so appreciated nagging, "I cannot believe you're class aide AGAIN!!! Like seriously, Mai-chan!??"

Snuggling onto Hoshino's arm, the shorter girl sighed, "There'll be no more gal time with us being in different classes this year AND you being busy as the club's vice!"

"Relax, we'll have time, it'll be less, but you're still apart of the club too, so I'll see'ya'round, especially once you ditch that loser of a guy you call boyfriend." Hoshino reassured as she lead the shorter girl into the first-year building, where they'd be waiting on Watanabe's younger sister.

"He's not a loser—! You agreed with Tanakkun and said he was cool'nd dependable." Watanabe frowned and nudged Hoshino in defense, "Seriously!"

Amused at her defensive protest, Hoshino laughed, "Alright, yeah, he's a pretty okay guy— I like that he looks out for you when I'm not around'nd how he truly appreciates your efforts."

"Thank you! I like him a lot~ But you're right! I'll make more time for you and not just him, because I want to be with you outside of club too."

Smiling at Watanabe who skipped towards the staircase, Hoshino took notice of the teal-haired girl's missing book-bag, "I think you're forgetting something, Nabe-san."

"Oh, right—" She abruptly stopped and turned back to face the redhead, "I look forward to another year in your care, Mai-chan!"

Rolling her eyes and digging out two lollipops from her pocket, the redhead handed the green-apple flavored one to the shorter girl, then took the strawberry flavored sucker for herself, "Same here. But you've forgotten about your book-bag, not expressing your gratitude."

Taken aback by her words, Watanabe dumbly looked down, then yelped in surprise, "Oh—! My hubby must've taken it with him!" She jumped down past the stairs, then hurried out the building to catch him, "I'LL MEET YOU UPSTAIRS!"

Unpretentiously making her way down the second floor corridor, Hoshino occasionally took a look inside of the classrooms. Most were empty since classes had ended, but there were still a couple of students hanging back due to cleaning duties.

As one of her class's aides, she had yet to assign a schedule, but even so she reckoned two of her classmates stayed to tidy up the room.

"Should I take a nap?" Asking aloud with no anticipated answer, she geeked whilst approaching the third floor stairs, "Watanabe will def stay awhile with Ogihara-kun— A nap sounds perfect."

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