Bram and Asher - Age 13: Bond

Start from the beginning

Or try to. 

"Hey!" Asher called, annoyed, "this is my spot. Find your own."

The woman leaned around a tree to see him. Then she quirked a brow and pointed up the tree, "It was my spot before you were born, fetus. Share or go away."

Asher's jaw clenched, but his gaze followed hers up the tree to see her name scorched into the wood.

His jaw unclenched even as he filled with wonder, "You're Sorcha--the warrior?"

She rolled her eyes, "Did you expect a unicorn or something?"

Asher shook his head, eyes wide. According to Aunt Lucinda, Sorcha was one of the best Giftling Warriors that had ever lived. Even with her slight frame, she was the bane of dark creatures' existence. If she could destroy them, small as she was, then maybe a small guy like Asher could learn too. 

He decided to take a chance, "I heard you're one of the strongest fighters out of all the Giftlings. Would you teach me?"

She considered him for a long moment, and his gut twisted. Eventually she smiled, a smile that looked almost... proud? 

"Sure. Want to start in the morning? About 8?" 

Asher could scarcely believe it. He'd finally found somebody that could teach him! 

Before he could think about it twice, Asher bowed and murmured excitedly, "Yes, sensei."

She smirked at him and sat. To both of their surprsie, the weird monster girl sat next to him. Then the pink Vampire sat next to her, leaving his red-haired twin to glare at everyone. 

What was his problem? 

Eventually he too sat, and they all ate in silence for some time. 

As his stomach stopped screaming and his heart slowed, Asher noticed the monster girl studying his chest. He wasn't sure why until she smiled and said, "I like your shirt." 

She liked his shirt? Did she like anime?! He looked her up and down, wondering if he'd finally found a friend, somebody that would understand. Then again, why wouldn't she? She looked like a creature straight out of a manga. 

Afraid of getting his hopes up too much, he finally asked, "Do you like anime?"

"What's anime?"

Happiness bloomed inside him, "Oh, you'll find out. I have a feeling you'll be hooked, just like me. Are you interested?"

She glanced at Sorcha, "Is anime okay?"

Sorcha's eyes narrowed on Asher, "What kind of anime?"

"Shojo and Shonen," he answered quickly. "Nothing real bad. Just fighting and goofy romances."

Sorcha nodded, "That should be fine, then."

Ishka beamed and pointed at Asher's shirt, "Can we try that one first?"

"Ouran High School Host Club? Sure, why not," Asher agreed. It was his favorite, after all. 

"I didn't understand a single word of that," pink-hair blurted.

"Sounds stupid," red-hair drawled, taking a big bite of ham.

Asher's heart started pounding again, anger rushing through him. How dare he! "What?" Asher challenged, "You scared or something?"

Red's back became ramrod straight, "No."

Asher lifted his chin, "Then I dare you to try it."

"I don't know what a dare is, but let's go watch it right now!" Bram demanded, standing and still shoveling food into his mouth.

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