Chapter Two; Watching A Bug

Start from the beginning

An eye roll and small argument later, Tony and Bruce were riding up the elevator together, the first pouting like a toddler and the latter glowing with smugness. "C'mon, Tony, we're ordering dinner. Cheer up and maybe you can decide."

"I'm paying!" Tony grumbled as they got off on the Avengers floor. "I always get to decide! I can pick anything I want." All he received as response was being flipped off by Barton, sitting on the counter like the animal he is.

"It's like I'm running a daycare..." Tony mumbled, walking over to the counter to swat Barton off of it. "Off you savage— seriously, have you heard of manners?" Tony was once again flipped off by the cocky bow-master. Thankfully, Natasha came out of nowhere and smacked the back of his head with a resounding thunk.

Whipping around, the embarrassed spy began arguing with his close ally who simply walked away from the childish behavior. "Okay, I'm hungry as hell. Can we order before I start decaying over here?" Barton complained, having given up on arguing with Natasha and was instead laying face first on the couch.

"We are not getting pizza again." Natasha spoke up, plopping down on top of Barton without a second glance. "I'm talking to you, Thor." The god of thunder hardly looked up from the video game he was staring at, being played by Sam and Scott, who were both fairly new to the tower. Sam had taken to staying most of the time while Scott mainly stayed during the week and only came around on the weekends if the team needs him.

Wanda and Vision were sitting on the love seat together, a book in Wanda's hand as she sat in Vision's lap. "I agree." Wanda said, her accent hardly noticeable after all the time with the team. "We have had it four times this week."

"Perhaps you should all learn to expand your horizons, be less picky." Bruce replied from the kitchen, where Cap and him were looking through the food catalogue. "Seriously, you only like going to like five different restaurants."

Cap sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, please let us pick another place. None of you will even eat at McDonalds unless it's the one at the corner down the road." He spoke with exasperation, going back to looking through the vast variety of restaurants, fast food locations, and more.

"How 'bout Chinese?" Tony suggested with a smirk, knowing the chaos that would follow as Cap turned to glare at him and Thor finally looked away from the television screen. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Man of Iron, how dare you make such a ludicrous suggestion? Such food should not be consumed by any beings." Thor scowled, making a disgusted face. Him and Barton were both the same when it came to food, childish.

"Oh please, you're only upset because it gives you digestive issues." Tony remarked while coming to stand beside Cap and Bruce. "How does Italian sound? I'll even let you get a few orders of breadsticks if you don't ask for pizza for at least another week."

Pouncing up, and pushing Natasha over the back of the couch, Clint sat up and nodded vigorously. "Yes! And it better be from that Olive Garden near the park!" From beside Tony, Cap groaned and went to find a phone to dial the poor restaurant that was about to feed the whole Avengers team.

*Tony's POV*

"Why is it so hard to decide on a movie?" Tony shouted over the chaos that had been continuously getting worse over the past five minutes. "I have every channel and movie out there! You can pick anything and you are arguing over Twilight, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The Lorax?!"

"Please explain to me why The Lorax was even suggested?" Bruce asked from beside Tony, the only two not involved in the chaotic argument that was taking place. Wanda was trying to get everyone to agree on Harry Potter, making Vision help her seem more compelling. Barton and Sam wanted The Lorax for seemingly no reason, roping oblivious Thor into it. Even Natasha was involved, surprisingly trying to get them to play Twilight with Scott of all people. Cap was just confused, trying to ask what the movies were because he had apparently never watched them, asking questions to an uninterested Bucky. Then there was poor Bruce, not arguing but he had asked to watch Star Wars.

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