Chapter 12: baseball

Start from the beginning

"That's got to be a home run right?" I hear Bella question

"Oh Bella ye of little faith " I say

"Edwards very fast" Esme says

Edward throws it back As soon as he throws it back I move the ball with my mind, before Esme could catches it Rosalie slides into home plate .

Rosalie scowls at Bella I glare

"Cheater"says Bella as she looks at me, I smirk giving Rosie a high five

" come on babe it's just a game" says Emmett

"Nice kittens" says Carlisle to Rose and I
Next up is Dean and he hits the ball and I jump up and catch it and throws it to Esme , but before I throw it to her he's on second base

Next is jasper and he hits it and Emmett climbs up a tree catching it and I use my powers again to make the ball float out of his hands making Jasper get on second base, next we switch positions as Edward goes first and he hits the ball

"Stop!" Yells Alice

Everyone freezes and Edward looks at Alice seeing what shes seeing

I nod at Edward to get to Bella and he does

"They were leaving and they heard us" Alice says and everyone looks at me

"How'd you know" asks Carlisle

"One of the perks of being a kitsune you can tell when there's trouble coming" I tell them
Everyone crowds around Bella and I stand next to Jasper as my eyes become this navy blueish orange color stating that Xena my other side is out and I hide my scent and I concentrate on hiding hers

The three nomadic vampires come out of the woods and make there way over to us

" I believe this belongs to you" a guy with dreads says as he throws the ball and Carlisle catches it

" thank you" says Carlisle

"I am Laurent, this is Victoria and James" Laurent says

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family" he says

"Hello" says Laurent looking at all of us

"I'm afraid you're hunting activities have caused some sort of a mess for us" Carlisle says

"Our apologies, we didn't realize the territory had been claimed" says Laurent

"Yes, well we maintain a permanent residence nearby" says Carlisle

"Really, well we won't be a problem anymore, we were just passing through " stated Laurent

" the humans were tracking us but we led them east you should be safe" says the red head Victoria

"Thank you" says Carlisle

"So could you use three more players" Laurent asked

Carlisle looks at us

"Oh come one just one game" dread head said

" sure, why not, a few of us were leaving, you can take their place, we will bat first " Carlisle says as he throws the ball but Victoria catches it

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball" she says

" well I think we can handle that" jasper, my brother and I all say together

"We shall see" Victoria says

As we walk away I see James and Edward looking at each other intensely so I hold his hand and is still trying hard to mask Bella's scent but loses focus when the cold wind blows

" damn it" I say under my breath

The wind blows causing it to fluff Bella's hair and James takes a sniff in the air

"You brought a snack" James says this everyone gets in a defensive crouch in front of Bella but me

"A human" Laurent says as he and Victoria become thirsty

"I think it be best if all three of you leave " I say

"I can see the game is over, we'll go now.....James" Laurent says sternly as James and Victoria leave with him

"Go, get Bella out of here" Carlisle says

" Edward I'm so sorry I tried but the wind " I say

" hey it's ok Chris" Edward says

Edward Bella and I go back to Emmetts jeep as everyone else goes back to the house as soon as Bella is strapped in i to get in as well as Edward and we leave

"Listen to me James is a tracker I read his mind he wants Bella for her blood" Edward says

" what about Chris" Bella asks

" I am not exactly human Bella and I can hide my scent from others , I tried to do the same thing with you but the current of the wind blow and knocked me out of focus " I roll my eyes

" wait a minute my dad is at home we have to go back" Bella says

"You can't go back home, the tracker will just track your scent there that's the first place he will look" I say as Edward keeps driving

"It doesn't matter he could get killed" says a frantic Bella

"Edward she has to pack" I say from the back seat and Edward sighs and goes to her house

As Bella gets out and has a fake fight with Edward I start thinking of places to hide out from James

As Bella comes outside and starts driving down the road, mid way down the road Edward comes in and drives and we hear someone climbing onto the back of the truck making Bella jump

"Shh it's just Emmett, Alice is in the car behind us" Edward says as we pass the cafe where Angela, Mike, Jessica and Eric come out laughing

If only they knew the dangers in this town
We then pull up to the house , as we get out we all go into the house

" laurant is inside with Carlisle he won't hurt us, he's here to warn us about James and Victoria " I say to Edward

Edward , Emmett and I go inside along with Bella, we get in front of Bella when we sees Laurent and Edward growls

'idiot' I say

"Wait he came to warn us.... about James" Carlisle says

"This is mot my fight but he's unparalleled senses are absolutely lethal I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years, and the woman Victoria don't underestimate her, I'm truly sorry about what has been brought here " he says

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