Goodbye Obito

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Kakashi's POV
I was running with Rin when I fell and saw a huge rock falling at the top of my head. I can't do anything so I will peacefully accept death 'Im gonna be with you dad'

When I closed my eyes I felt like someone carried me and threw me on the ground, when I opened my eyes I saw Obito's half body crushed

"OBITO!" I shouted trying to move the rock

"Obito.." Rin said sadly

"Kakashi stop, I can't feel anything. I'm gonna die soon." Obito said

"I didn't give you a gift right? I will give you my eye" Obito added

"Obito no, I'm gonna help you" I said almost crying

"Rin, can you give my eye to him?" Obito asked

"But Obito-" Rin got cut off

"It's alright I'm gonna die soon anyways and this eye will rot. Kakashi's eye is also hurt so at least he can have it" he said

Rin did as Obito commanded

"Protect Rin for me" Obito's final words

"Goodbye Obito" we both said

==========Time Skip==========

Rin's POV
It's been a month now since Obito, Obito, Obito.. am I crying? Obito...

"Rin.." someone said "Don't cry please, I promised Obito to protect you and he would be sad to know that you're crying" he added

'oh it's Kakashi-kun'

"I'm not crying don't worry there's just dust in my eyes" I lied, I don't want to worry Kakashi-kun

"You can use me as your umm.. p-pillow if that will make you feel better" Kakashi said embarrassingly

Am I too late? (Kakashi and Rin Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum