Why are you flustered?

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Rin's POV
I was waiting with Kakashi-kun in the training ground for Obito and Minato-sensei. And I'm blushing cause we're the only ones here Then Kakashi came closer to me so I blushed harder.

"Rin" he said softly

"Y-yes Kakashi-kun?" I said stuttering. He then walked closer and stared at me 'omg, I might faint' I said to myself

"Are you alright?" Kakashi-kun said and placed his hand on my forehead

"You're so hot right now, do you have fever? If you're not well just go home I'll tell Minato-sensei about it" he said so worried about me

"N-n-no no it's nothing hehe" I said nervously

'thank God he doesn't know I'm blushing' I said to myself

"Oh so you're just blushing?" Kakashi-kun said

I'm dumbfounded. I didn't know Kakashi-kun knows about these things

"W-what n-no no no why would I blush?" I lied so he wouldn't ask more questions because I might spill the tea

"Then why are you so red?" He asked

Goddd he's so persistent but it's cute that he's curious

"U-um you know it's just the sun is so hot and we're waiting for quite a while now" I said

Am I too late? (Kakashi and Rin Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now