"Phil where the fuck is Tommy?"

"Wherever you took him for exile Dream." 

"He's. Not. There." 

"That's not my problem. My concern is where Tubbo is, if I have him, I can make sure he doesn't reveal the shit i've done."

"They're together." 


"Tubbo was with Tommy the other night, I broke Tommy's trust to him, so.. so why the fuck are they still partnered?!" Tommy let out a gasp. To which Tubbo then pushed his hand over Tommy's mouth. Dream and Phil looked toward their direction, they saw nothing.

"What was that?" Dream spoke.


Tubbo grabbed Tommy's wrist and pulled them around to the opposite side of the building to Dream and Phil, as Dream turned the corner to check, he saw a bag disappear at the corner, and he walked back to Phil, and whispered something to him, Tommy and Tubbo now watching from the otherside of the building. Dream spoke outwardly again. "Whatever and wherever the hell they are, we can't let them find Schlatt at the lab." Tubbo started thinking to himself, there are two labs, one that barely anyone used, and Phil's. Tubbo figured he would be at Phil's. The other one was generally forgotten about. 

"Tommy c'mon." Tubbo whispered, lightly tugging on his sleeve. No movement, no response. He stood staring at Dream and Phil. Finally, Tubbo pulled him out of it. To which Tommy, seeming in a daze could only follow Tubbo, he wasn't much help at the time. As they approached the lab, Tubbo took a deep breath, and opened the door. Nothing. Schlatt wasn't there. "He's not here Tommy." 

"Try the other I guess." 

"Tommy are you paying attention?" 

"Dream's a fucken liar." Tubbo stood realizing why Tommy had been so in shock, he was comprehending fully that Dream was never a friend. Tubbo hugged Tommy, to which Tommy gave a light hug back. Tommy sighed before fixing his posture and speaking again. "Let's find Schlatt."

They spent an hour going to the other side of L'Manburg where the other Lab was located, and when they got there, a light was shining from the inside. And they could hear blabbering from inside. Tubbo opened the door and peaked in, hearing Wilbur's voice and an uninterested sigh from someone else. Tubbo opened the door more to see a cell within the lab, and Wilbur standing in front of it talking to someone, "Will!" Tommy spoke, Wilbur turned around with a large smile on his face, "Tommy! oh, and Tubbo! I gotta go tell Phil!" Tubbo walked into the lab to the cell as Tommy kept Wilbur from telling Phil. Tubbo approached the cell to see Schlatt was sitting down in it, his eyes black, and his face showing no emotion. "Schlatt?" Tubbo spoke, Schlatt's eyes turned white and he looked up, realizing Tubbo was there.

"Tubbo!" Schlatt stood up and got closer to the bars of the cell.

"Schlatt! are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, get me out before Phil comes and experiments on me again." 

"I'll ask about that more later." Tubbo searched around for keys to the cell, but Tommy spoke up.

"Will's gone!" and from outside the door, Tommy heard Wilbur. "Oh I was just coming to get you Phil!" 

Tommy's heart wrenched. 

"Tubbo, run!" Tubbo looked up, but continued searching. "Tubbo come on, Please!" 

"I'm not going without Schlatt!" Tubbo continued to search and dig for keys, but was met with Tommy speaking again. "Tubbo.." Tubbo in a state of panic looked up to see Dream was standing next to Tommy, and Phil walking past them. "The keys are to your left Tubbo." 

"Thanks Phil. Wait no." Tubbo's chest clenched, "Don't hurt Tommy and let Schlatt go." 

"Or we take all of you." Phil walked closer to Tubbo, "Tommy, or Schlatt?" 


"Pick one." Tubbo looked towards both, Schlatt looking at Tubbo but as soon as he returned looking, Schlatt avoided eye contact, and Tommy looking betrayed, by Dream and possibly Tubbo. Tubbo denied answering. He made a dash at grabbing the keys, and opening the cell, but when it was opened, Phil pushed him in. shutting the door which the keys were still attached to. 

"Guess you pick Schlatt." Phil gave a fake smile. "Tubbo..?" Tommy cried out, as Dream tied Tommy's hands behind his back, walking him somewhere else. 

"What have I done?" Tubbo questioned, staring at his hands.

"What haven't you done wrong, Tubbo?" Phil added.

Possession -Partial DadSchlatt AU-Where stories live. Discover now