"Did you eat something?" I walked towards the kitchen just to find the scattered bits of chips on the floor. I turned around to find her, but the living room was suddenly empty. A smile creeped on my face realising that she was hiding.

"Hey Yoyo! Come out or I am gonna finish this Dark fantasy alone." Ha! Who doesn't bribe kids.

"I know there's none Silver," I heard her giggle. Smart kid.

"I just bought one," I shaked the packet in my hand and the sound of footsteps make their way to my ears.

"I'll clean up," she wrapped her tiny hands around the broom and clumsily removed the entire crumbles. I sat on the counter to watch her efforts. I Have always taught her how to be independent. It would only be wise enough for her if I don't spoil her.

She reached out her hands so I could handle the cookies but I pointed to the tap. She groaned but followed my orders.

"Finally," she sighed and started walking towards the couch. Her feet halted before settling down, "Silver, I got an A+ in yesterday's test."

"Really." I grinned at her. Her own lips broke into a heart stealing smile. Such cuteness!

"Yes Silvy and Ms. Stenly gave me a chocolate too."

I puffed my cheeks in fake rage, "Where's my share kiddo? I taught you for an entire day!"

She giggled and ran towards the couch, "In my tummy sissy!"

I chuckled and made my way to my room in hopes of getting some rest. It made sense why I am so restless all the time, cause I can't sleep. Well this is something I had from my childhood, Insomnia. Though I very well know that insomniac symptoms are different than the ones I have. I even tried a psycatrist but he himself was puzzled to see that I wasn't in any kind of depression which would lead me to this high degree sleeplessness. 'You are a unique case,' he had said.

My father used to snore out my ears while I laid counting the stars for hours, imagining what the peace in sleeping was. He would wake up to find me cleaning the house at six in the morning. He thought that absence of my mother had made me mature before years but no, that wasn't the case. My mother died while giving birth to me.

Though Yuri was the best thing that happened to me. I was walking throughout the night around my grandma's house. She had died around a week ago. My father wasn't in good health either and then I heard a child cry. To my surprise, even the crying sound was musical and I was drawn.

She had opened her huge hazel eyes and stared at me in puzzle and that memory still warms up my heart. My dad helped me take care of her for one year, until he died. I read almost every parenting book in my sleepless nights to take good care of her. I wasn't her mother, but she was as dear as a daughter to me. I remember how she enjoyed music. I'd just play some melody and she would stop crying.

Then was survival to me. My grandpa was dead even before I was born so the faternal side of my family were already out of the picture. My mother's mum had denied to take me in cause she thought I was the reason for death of her precious daughter and due to my features, as in my white hair, she thought I wasn't a good omen. Superstitious old women. Though I don't blame her to think so, to each his own. My maternal uncle lived somewhere in Europe so he never showed up, but he did call me once in a while. I just grew accustomed to the visit of neighbours till I was fifteen and from then I took care of myself on my own and Yuri of course.

My phone buzzed, 'At 9, morrow in Dwntwn clb'

A text from Maria, the notification read. She was the stable-most friend I had. Though she was equally selfish as Sam and everyone else, I appreciated that she at least acted to pay attention to me. Not that I needed it.

The entire high-school knew me as the rudest bitch. It was after the death of my father that I blocked people out of my eyes. And seriously, why do they even care, people must learn to keep their awfully large noses out of other people's buiness. Did I just quote Lupin?

I sighed and tossed to the left side of my feathery bed. The sweet scent of rosemary touched my nose as I inhaled deeply on my pillow. Sometimes I wish I could sleep just to escape the reality.

Hello my dear readers. I hope that this chapter didn't bore you. It was kinda intoductory so I kept it simple.
I hope you understand. Some chapters are not cliff-hangers, they just need to be there to develop bonding between readers and characters.

Question: What's the first impression you get of Silver ?

(It comes after 5 chapters) Bonding question: What's your biggest fandom!

Word count: 1357

Attached above is the image of my exquisite Yuri imagined as Aravvya Sharma. Isn't she adorable!!

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