when enough is enoough pt 1 - 5

Start from the beginning

"Star." she walked towards me. I wanted to run. I froze and just looked at her... "Baby." she said again

"J-Julie," I shuddered.

She smiled at me. That smile she'd use before she hit me. I didn't move. My mind was telling me to run, but I didn't move. I had the urge to scream but I didn't.

She got closer. My heart was racing. "Baby girl," I grabbed both of her hands. "I love you, you know that, now come inside and tell me what's wrong?" I held my breath for a minute then let it out when she answered.

"No, I'll chill." she turned around and stood there. I didn't move. I didn't say a word. I stayed quiet.

She turned and smacked me across my face. Loosing my balance I fell and stayed there. I didn't say anything. I put my hand to my face. I looked at her and she looked back at me then stepped over me.

"Julie wait." I stood up again removing my hand from my face and ran after her.

Chapter 3.

She stopped at her car and turned to me. She looked calmer, the girl I fell for. I stopped in front of her and let her touch my face. I tried not to flinch. She looked sad. Yeah, I always forgave her afterwards.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly.

"I know baby." I whispered to her trying not to tense up.

"I love you"

"I love you too." I moved her hand and held it there. "There's no reason to be mad babe." I didn't want to make her more madder then she was.

"I'm sorry" she repeated. I looked at her. I wanted to know why she was mad, but I couldn't ask. Instead she kissed me. I forgave her again, just like I always do.

I turned and started walking to my front door.

"Baby, what are you doing?" she followed me.

"Just getting my car keys, I don't have any food so why don't we go out to eat?" I questioned opening the door. I walked to the table and grabbed my car keys.

"Where at?" she smiled.

"Where you want?" I smiled and walked outside.

"Sunny Lion." she said following me.

"sounds good to me." I said getting into the car."

I parked and got out and met her in front of my car.

"I love you." she said grabbing my hand.

"I love you too."

we walked into Sunny Lion and got our table. She sat next to me still holding my hand. I smiled at her.

"Hey girls, what can I get you to drink?" she smiled.

I ordered for the both of us.

"Alright I'll be back with your food."

"Thank you."

"Do you always have to use that tone when you order?"

"Whats wrong with you? And I don't use any tone."

"You have this flirty tone all the time when you order."

"Julie, I don't."

"Say what you want, but its true."

the waitress came back with our order I didn't talk for the rest of our date.

I pulled im my drive way and got out, slamming my car door.

when enough is enoough pt 1 - 5Where stories live. Discover now