(9)Planing The Next Performance

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“Won't Miley bitch flip over this?I mean she made it clear she wanted it changed.”A girl from varsity came up to me and asked,she was a ginger girl,if you don't know what that mean a redhead,she also had pretty green eyes.

“Yes,but I can handle her.”I dismissed that conversation and went back to looking in the folder,and I happened to stumble upon something.I didn’t know what it was but it looked like it was a record of something,I just couldn't figure out what it was.

“So what's the girls doing?”Evie voice sprang up a few feet away causing me to drop the damn folder,I scrambled to pick it up.I looked up and saw a now fine Alexandria right behind her,I knew she could help.

“Did you actually watch the Jv practice with us,they can barely keep up.I ripped up the new routine and we're sticking with the old one,dont worry im one person Miley cant boss around.”My words were strong and confident,I just had to remember I was at a home court disadvantage,I needed to remain smart playing with miley.

“Good,I was about to do the same anyway.I got you if Miley tries to flip.”She took the folder and we all go into position to practice with them.After a few times they seemed to get it,however it was lunch and everyone dispersed to go and eat.

“Are you alright?”I asked walking up to alexandria,

“Yeah,thanks for sending Evie in there.Glad you're on the team.”She smiled and walked away,not before she did a spin on her heels. “Me and Evie are gonna talk more about the routine at lunch,join us?”

“Definitely”I smiled back and went to my bag,I walked back and saw the most annoying person start walking towards me.Ashton.

“Hey beautiful,working hard?”He smiled walking closer to me,I just slipped past him to my bag.

“Sure are,gotta make something about you football players look good.”I hope he could tell I was already peeved,I didn't want to much conversation from him right now.I looked around in my bag for my blistex,I felt my lips all chapped.

“Cute,anyway you're still going this weekend right?”I knew he was talking about the fair or carnival whatever it was.

“Yeah.”I found it and started to rub the medicated lip balm on my lips,

“Well Miley said you're gonna need a ride,i'm available if need.”He did a bow type thing,I smirked a little.He was arrogant,but he had his moments.

“Thanks but I have a ride-”Before I said anything else I thought about it. “Wait Miley’s not going?”

“Yeah,but tristan is picking her up.”

I knew a setup when I saw one,this was definitely mileys pushy way of trying to get me and aston closer.Wasn't gonna happen though.Why can't she get things through that thick skull of hers,better yet we didn't even have anything in common.

“Well thanks for the offer,but I have a ride.”I was lying through my teeth,and with the raise of his eyebrow he caught my lie.

“With Gavin,he said he would take me.”I was about to say evie when Gavins name came out,mostly because he was coming up behind Ashton.I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his,he looked confused but went with it as I dragged him back over. “Gavin please tell him you're taking me to the carnival thingy t this weekend.”

One could only hope he caught on fast,

“Sure am,I thought I told you aston.”He said catching on,thank you lord,while giving a good performance.

“Oh,well I guess I'll catch you later then.”His eyes telling that his ego was once again hurt he walked away,but he seemed fine when I girl with rather large breast started to cling to him.

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