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I got tagged by minsavannah    (like a lot)

Oh and just btw I'm working on a Tsukki ff- I know that I started a lot of unfinished works, but I'm currently writing the ending to the ff so I'm finished soon and will punish a whole ff :)

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Hast du eine Lieblingsblume? Wenn ja, welche?
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I mean ich mag Kaktuss- warte. Mehrzahl von Kaktus.. Kakteen genau. Ich mag Kakteen, aber ist keine Blume :(

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Habt ihr Lieblingsemojis oder emojis Kombos?
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👁👁,🥶🥵💯, 🙄✋🏻

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Wenn ihr in einem Raum seid der komplett leer ist, wie würdet ihr ihn gestalten, damit ihr euch rundum wohl fühlt?
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A good question actually. I feel like I would constantly add things to my room because I don't feel like it is enough, but I really want a gamer setup somewhere. WAIT I'LL SHOW YALL


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*chefs kiss

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Was ist die weirdeste Wolkenform, die ihr gesehen habt?
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Habt ihr Allergien?
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Als ich kleiner war hatte ich richtig heftige Pollenallergie, aber irgendwie ist sie verschwunden :0

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Kennt ihr das Stockholm Syndrom? Wie sieht ihr dazu?
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we talking bout 365 days vibes?🤪- jk jk

I do not think it is healthy at all. It simply is just manipulating shit. Yes of course your kidnapper is the only one who's gonna care for you but that's not a fuming reason to fall for them.

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Schreibt ihr lieber oder nehmt ihr Audio auf?
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I do both actually. Well ich singe meistens wenn ich ein audio aufnehme-

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Welche Jahreszeit mögt ihr am liebsten und warum?
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I really like winter :3

One reason is that I really like snow and how I can watch snowflakes fall down so peacefully. The other is how if you're outside too long, you're gonna be cold and the moment you step into a room, you can feel the warmth on your whole body and it feels nice :)

OH AND SNOWMANSaif jlsj LOOK I BUILT miramen0-0 AND MY CHILD SKWKEW OUR CHILD with hwasia_ and unholy_simp LOOK

OH AND SNOWMANSaif jlsj LOOK I BUILT miramen0-0 AND MY CHILD SKWKEW OUR CHILD with hwasia_ and unholy_simp  LOOK

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yeah that's it bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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