Can you sing?

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Valentines special for the lovely VentusGoat (Song above.)

The room was dark, the only light came from the full moon reflecting from the mirror. Ventus was sitting in the middle of the floor against the white scales of Oreo, who was reading something that Ventus did not understand. "Hey Ventus?" Oreo ask laying a wing over her lap. "Yes?" She answered refolding her wings. "Can you sing for me?" Oreo curled her tail around Ventus's legs. "ME SING! What do you expect from me!?" She playfully snapped. "I hear you sing to Blitz and Leo all the time, you have a very beautiful voice." Oreo teased, Ventus felt the blush creep up her face. "Fine only because you won't leave me alone." She sighed and leaded back and started singing.

"Hush now mo stóirín close your eyes and sleep." She Started, she had heard Oreo sing this song before, and knew most of it by heart.
"Waltzing the waves diving the deep, starts are shining bright the wind is on the rise, whispering words of long lost lullabies" she sang softly tapping her fingers to the beat.

"Oh won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold and in the morning sun we'll be sailing"

"Oh won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky and as the clouds roll by we'll sing the song of the sea." Her and Oreo sang in tune with each other.

"I don't know if I should be creeped out that you know that by heart, or be flatter you took the time to learn the song." Oreo laughed. "Maybe both, their my love" Ventus mocked smiling. "Don't every call me 'my love' again" Oreo rested her head on her front legs. "Okay~" she teased, and promptly got smacked in the face with a wing. "I really hope Blitz turns up like you" She pulled her knees to her chest. "Ventus, I was framed for murder, I-" Oreo started before, Ventus put a hand over her snout. "Yes I am aware," she rolled her eyes and continued "Your brave, loyal and most importantly your yourself." She finished. "Maybe it's for the better of Leo and Blitz have personality traits from both of us." Oreo smiled. "Maybe Also since I sang for you, you have to sing for me." Ventus grinned and laid down next to Oreo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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