Me: Look, If I let Venom fight then we would have taking him down...

Clint puts his arm around my neck.

Clint: Sure you would have kid... Don't worry tho, we all have off days.

I sighed.

Me: Screw you.

Clint: No thanks, I'm married.

We don't know what happened in the interrogation as Coulson wanted to talk to him alone, but me and Clint were in the HQ when a old guy came up to the site, I went to go and get Coulson, I made my way into the interrogation room and saw Coulson talking but blondie just sat there.

Me: Sir, there's someone here for him.

I followed Coulson back to the old guy we now know as Erik Selvig... Dr. Erik Selvig... And the blond guy is apparently Donald Blake... I don't need a computer to say that, that name is fake... But Coulson let him go anyway, even when the computer did say it was a fake name, but I'm not here to ask questions... I gotta be honest, I don't like this taking orders thing... Me and Clint made our way to our temporary home, yes we shared a bunk which wasn't so bad.

After a few hours of me and Clint just talking and having a few drinks and playing cards, when he decided to start a completely new conversation.

Clint: So... What's going on between you and Nat?

I looked at him and smirked.

Me: Nothing... She hates me remember.

I said laughing at him.

Clint: Trust me kid... That is not her hating you... It's more like tough love...

I looked at him.

Me: Did you hit your head on the way down from your nest? Because you are obviously delusional.

Clint sighed and folded his hand.

Clint: Look, I know Nat more then anyone and I know she likes you... 

I site there and thought about it for a moment but I can't see it... OK, she's been hanging around me alot lately but thats what friends do...

Clint: All I ask is that you don't hurt her...

I just nodded and we went back to our previous conversation, a few more hours later me and Clint were laying in our bunks, he was asleep but I was still awake, mainly because Venom keeps on talking but I'm just ignoring him... I couldn't stop thinking about what Clint said... Does Nat really like me, like that... I don't know, I mean she is beautiful but she always seems to dislike me, in a friendly way of course but dislike nonetheless... I just pushed those thoughts aside and told Venom to shut up, I then rolled over and after a struggle I finally fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to sirens going off and Clint shouting at me to get up, I did and we both got dressed and ran to HQ where we found Agent Coulson and other Agents running around like headless chickens, Coulson spotted us and walked over.

Coulson: We have an unidentified object, not far from here, Hawk grab your stuff your need else were and (L/N) grab you stuff, your with me.

Me and Clint ran to our room and grabbed our stuff, once done we said our 'see ya laters' and both ran to our respective destinations, I made my way outside to see everyone getting into pure black cars, I saw Coulson get into one and followed him and we set of to the destination.

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