Chapter 1

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"Yo, Izzy! Wait up!" Carter yelled.

"What do you want, Carter?" Izzy replied, frustrated and unsure how to handle the situation she knew was about to happen. It was the first day of school and she knew she wouldn't be able to keep her promise already.

"I want you back, Iz. I've missed you so much. I made a huge mistake and I'm sorry. Please come back to me, Izzy. I promise it won't happen again." He pleaded.

"Yeah right. I talked to Katie and she said you guys have been going out for months."

"Oh come on! You hardly ever had time for me, because you were so busy with Ryan and Andrea and I guess I just got lonely. But its was all a mistake. I love you!"

"Ok, you can keep telling yourself that, but I'm done with this relationship" She replied and began to walk away in a huff.

She felt a tug on her arm and he whipped her around. He held her close to him and she tried to squirm away. He whispered in her ear, "You are mine. Remember that. I will hunt you down and find you and take you for myself if you try to run."

She's never really told anyone, but sometimes Carter was rough with her. Physically and verbally. When he was upset with people or having a bad day, he usually took it out on her.

"I'm not yours Carter, ok? I'm seeing someone else."

She knew the moment she said it she would regret it. She wasn't really seeing anyone else. Ryan had been walking with Izzy and Andrea and heard the whole conversation. The truth was he had always had a crush on her, but never told her considering he dated her best friend on and off.

"Oh really," Carter replied, Rolling his eyes, "Then who's this mysterious someone, huh?"

Izzy stuttered for a moment, knowing she was in trouble, but then she heard a voice from the crowd say, "Me. I'm her boyfriend."

She instantly knew who it was and wished she could crawl under a rock and just die.

"Ryan?" Matt said with a look of surprise on his face. They were friends before everything that went down. "She's dating you, of all people?"

"Yes, I am-" Izzy remarked, confidently.

Carter let go of her and she walked towards Ryan. He put his arm around her and they Carter death stared them.

"Thank you." she whispered quietly as they turned around and began walking to their class.

He nodded slowly. "Anything for you Izzy."

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