Anna became a home designer and works with me sometimes during events. I believe Anna still does ice skating as a hobby though. Oh, and Don is a baseball coach, for a local team. He and Gilda actually became an item last year, so that's pretty cool.

On the topic of everyone's jobs, Norman is an elementary second-grade teacher. I honestly didn't see that coming, because he worked as a hospital intern in high school. Emma fulfilled her occupation as a zookeeper, and she finally achieved her dream of taking care of giraffes. I remember (f/n) told me she wanted to ride one when she was younger, but I'm not sure if that is legal.

Lastly, Ray works as a lawyer. He graduated with his major in criminal justice, and recently joined a firm. So, he stays up late directing lawsuits. I must say, the profession fits him because he's still skilled at communication and having the final word. And at being a smartass.

If only he could at least provide an explanation on why he keeps coming home late!

I had gotten sick of it so I went to his private office and knocked on his door. He opened it and noticed my expression. "Hi, do you want to talk to me about something?"

"I do," I said as he gestured for me to take a seat. I refused and just stood still. "For the last time, can you explain why you were behind time for the entire week?"

He looked up from his books. He was poring over a Latin transcript and I remember him saying that learning dead languages were useless in sophomore year. But here he was, studying the meaning of Amicus curiae.

He sighed and I saw the tiredness in his face. I crossed my arms. "Give me two days and I'll tell you everything. Please, (y/n). You'll know soon."

I rolled my eyes. "That's what you always say!" I said, trying not to shout. "I don't care if your job has to do with negotiating the truth sometimes, but I'm not a court case you can talk your way out of. I'm your girlfriend for God's sake."

He stood up and leaned his head to the side. Is he not concerned?

"Trust me, it'll all make sense," he said. "I'm not lying. You'll learn later."

"Why not now?!" I asked as he put down his work. I didn't wanna cry in front of him."What's so hard that you can't even give me a good explanation? God, I hate you."

"Are you mad at me?" he asked, completely avoiding the topic.

It took all my energy to not slap him there.

"Oh, I wonder!" I said, walking away. I slammed the door on the way out, leaving him confused. Lily came to my room and asked me what was wrong, but I refused to answer.

The next day

After work, I went straight home to wait for him. I told (f/n) what happened yesterday, and she took a deep breath and advised me to at least give him a chance.

"I'm home," I heard him say. Surprisingly he came right on time, which ticked me off. I narrowed my eyes and didn't bother to greet him.

"So now you come early?" I inquire as he took off his shoes. "Why are you being like this all of a sudden?!"

Ray looked to the ceiling and back down at me. "Because I care about you (y/n)," he replied. What a lie.

I scoffed before answering. "Sure you do."

The next morning

I woke up and saw that Ray baked chocolate chip walnut muffins. He watched as I took one out of the tin before eating in as I watched TV. He sat at the kitchen dining table, as he cut an omelet. "Good morning," I said quietly, to which he nodded in greeting. It was silent, and I heard the weather report. It was going to be sunny. I could see him glance at me from the peripheral of my eye, but I refused to look at him.

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