Being his Therapist: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"How many pancakes do you want?"



"Yes Seven, siete, sept, S-e-v-e-n Seven."

I silently watched as Drew and Claudia communicated and could easily see some holes in the relationship. Even though they obviously loved each other, they also got on each other nerves. I would easily say it was like a brother/sister relationship. Claudia waltz over and slid two pancakes onto Drew's plate. 

Drew stared at her in disbelief. 

"You didn't listen!"

"And you don't always have to get what you ask for." Claudia shot back, smacking the back of Drew's head with the spatula. I fought back a laugh and sipped my coffee. 

Drew growled and rubbed the back of his head, "Not true I got Beth!" 

I looked up at him and smiled warmly, Drew instantly smiled and reached for my hand. 

"You got lucky to get a girl like her now eat before your pancakes get cold." Drew sighed and looked down at the pile of dough. "I don't think I am that hungry anymore." Drew pushed the plate away and poured himself a cup of coffee. Claudia frowned, pushing her hair back. "All that work for nothing." 

Drew snorted and ripped off a piece of pancake, leaning across the table he smacked Claudia on the cheek with it. "Drew!" I said laughing pulling him back down in his seat. Drew grinned, "See! They are good for something!" Claudia frowned rubbing her cheek, "Ass whole." 

"I love you too Claudia." Drew murmured grinning. 

Drew was slowly making progress, his mood was lightening, he stopped cutting, and he started to smile more often. I know it is a bad idea to be involved with someone as  messed up as Drew but who am I saying that? I am just as messed up or maybe even more. But I started to notice changed in myself to. 

Drew and I have been steadily dating for about two months now, when will the thought of sex cross his mind? Out of the corner of my eye I surveyed him, slowly taking in his features. His blond hair messily fell where it wanted to land and his eyes were bright like a child's. Taking in Drew's innocent view of the world was another side I have discovered that he had. Everything in Drew's eyes was guilty until proven innocent. He didn't trust easily and if you did something to harm him in any way, then poof, it is forever etched into his brain. Marking you as a red flag. He would learn to approach you with caution. 

Then there was how he acted with me. Full of smiles, his laughter would bounce off the walls, his care for Mittens was sweet. Letting her sleep in his lap and get her hair all over his jeans. The thought of that made me giggle and Claudia turned to me. 

"Whats so funny Beth?" she asked with a slight grin. 

I smiled, dabbing at my mouth with a napkin, "I was thinking of Mittens."

"My Cat?" Drew asked smiling at me. 

I laughed, "No Drew my cat. I was laughing because I remembered when Drew let her sleep on his lap and she got hair all over his jeans. We didn't get to go out that night. We just stayed in and watched a movie." 

"Oh yeah I am sure Drew just 'watched' a movie...did you guys do the dirty?" Claudia asked grinning. The topic of sex so causally came up. I stiffened and traced the ring of my glass.

Drew rolled his eyes,

"Of course we didn't! Why would we?" he asks Claudia, I heard annoyance drip from his deep voice.

Claudia just shrugged as if the topic was nothing to her.

"It's been two months."

"Doesn't mean she is ready," Drew simply replied, 

"I can wait for now, losing Beth forever isn't one of my plans."

I looked at Drew, touched by his words. I forgotten the feeling of being wanted and I must say it feels amazing. Drew leaned down and kissed my forehead.  

I closed my eyes and let the warmth of the kiss surround me. I felt so alive when I was close to Drew. 

Claudia cleared her throat and coughed into her hand, "Uh ready to head into work Beth? I think Mike is going to be waiting..." I opened my eyes quickly and looked at Claudia. "Oh my, yes! Lets go!" I grabbed my keys off the counter and turned to look at Drew. "Take care of yourself okay? I will meet you later at home."

Drew smiled a little and nodded, 'Bye Beth." he called as Claudia and I raced out the door. 


When we got to the office Mike was making a large scene."Beth! Beth!" Mike yelled frowning banging against the front door. 

I hurried out of my car and ran up to him, "Mike, calm down I am here.." Mike quickly turned and hugged me tightly. "Ooh I thought you were kidnapped or dead in a gutter somewhere. I stared to panic then these kids were laughing at me. I wanted to kill them all. Smash in their pretty faces and kill them all." 

 I looked at Mike a little taken back by this violent side of him. I slowly toke his hand and shook my head "Mike you can't think things like that" I said quietly measuring my words. Mike frowned a little confused at my gesture but his eyes seem to clear off any darkness that lurked deep inside of him. 

Claudia opened the door quickly, and I ushered Mike inside. Was he getting worse? I have never heard him talk like that before and to be honest it kinda scared me. The session we had up in my office started  like every other one I have had before but with Mike I wanted to know why he turned up so dark.

"Mike, why did you day that about the kids?" I  asked readying myself to write. He hugged himself and looked at me, "They were being annoying." 

"But you just can't say things like that Mike parents will question you." 

Mike frowned and stared at the ground, "I am sorry Bethany its know I was bullied a lot growing up and I don't think I ever got over the kids taunting smirks." 

I slowly wrote out my thoughts about Mike, absorbing every word that he was saying. I didn't know that he was bullied when he was younger. It didn't take me back in surprise though because Mike to me was like a child who wanted acceptance. But he never found it and is now living a pretty messed up life. 

I glanced at the clock reading the time, 9:45.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked looking up at me with a frown. "Its not time for me to go yet, my session is far from over Beth!" 

He stood up as he yelled at me, his hands balled up into fists at his sides. I tried to keep calm and I held up one hand to try to calm him. "Mike I was just checking the tim-"

"NO you weren't! You want me to leave again just so you can watch me leave! BUT I am paying for these damn sessions and YOU will counsel me until I say it is fucking time to leave." 

Mike suddenly grabbed my hands and shook me hard, "WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!"

I stared wide eyes and scared, "Claudia!" I yelled trying to pry my self away from Mike. I started to panic and get scared the idea of him doing this had never crossed my mind. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts with another hard shake from Mike. Claudia walked in with a few police officers behind her. They grabbed Mike and he thrashed out angrily. "Let me go! I didn't DO anything!" Mike yelled. Claudia ran over to me and checked me over. "You okay Beth? Beth can you hear me?" she said inspecting me. 

Of course I could hear her and I knew she was worried but my whole body shut down as I realized what had happen. Mike had physically assaulted me and I just let him, just like I had done with the rapist. I watched the police officers wrestle mike out of my office and just started to cry. 

I realized that I was no help. 

Not to others.

Not to myself.

Being his TherapistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang