Chapter 4: More Than Meets the "Eye"

Start from the beginning

"Hm?" She looked at him with a sideways glance. "Do you need anything, Trevor?"

"Well I wanted to tell you that one of the higher-ups wanted to see you." He explained, "I think it was something about 'guard duty' or something like that."

"Okay then." Sophie nodded, "Take me there."

"Let's go." He walked ahead of her, quickly leading the Snivy over to where she was called from.

The two walked into the main room, where Sophie immediately saw an Infernape sitting down on a couch in silence, his head looking down towards the floor. That Infernape was named Quincy, often regarded as the right hand man to the boss of their gang. When the Snivy laid her eyes on him, a cold sweat built up on her forehead.

Quincy was the one to take her in with the gang after she was in an orphanage at three years old. He was like an older brother figure to her, even though they didn't talk too often. Sophie walked over and tapped his shoulder.

"Finally..." The Infernape looked up at Sophie. "Took you long enough."

"Well I was in the basement." The Grass Snake Pokémon mentioned, giving him a cold stare. "I wasn't going to run here as soon as you called."

"Fair point." Quincy sighed as Sophie sat down next to him. "Anyway, I was going to ask you to do something."

"What is it?"

"Before I do... Trevor, leave." He noticed the Monferno hiding behind the couch, wanting to listen in to their conversation.

"Dammit!" He exclaimed in a hush shout. "Okay, fine..." Trevor sulked and trudged out of the room, dragging his feet along the way.

Once Quincy heard the Monferno's footsteps fade, he looked back to Sophie. "You seem pretty interested in that Oshawott you caught last night."

"I was just wondering why he and his friend were injured, is all." She replied, not missing a beat. "Also, he looks around my age, so I was interested to know how others around my age would act."

"Aren't Trevor and Lana around your age?"

"Yes, they are, but they're still members of this gang." The Snivy sharply answered, "So not exactly normal."

"Okay then, how about this?" Quincy began, "I'll have you look over that Oshawott to make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious. As for the Pikachu, I can't tell you where he's being kept. But he's being watched by Binks."


Binks was an Emboar, regarded as the leader of the gang for as long as Sophie stayed there. That Pikachu must not be having a good time down there.


Oliver tried to reach for his backpack, but was unable to due to the handcuffs shackles around his wrists, which were bolted tightly to the wall. He could only comfortably remain in a sitting position with his paws behind his back.

The Oshawott let out a sigh, looking down at the cold, concrete floor. "This isn't good... I can barely move out of this position." Oliver then looked back to the shackles bolted to the stone wall. "If I just knew Water Gun, I could have eroded the wall or rust the metal shackles to break them..."

He then noticed movement outside of his cell. He looked over to see Sophie, that somewhat nice Snivy from earlier. She brought along a wooden chair with her, confusing the Oshawott a bit. She also had a small, yellow bag slung around her shoulders.

"Um... Hi, Sophie." Oliver greeted her hesitantly, shaking a bit in fear.

"Hey." She returned the greeting, putting the chair down on the opposite side of the room from Oliver. She sat down in the seat gently.

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