Chapter 6: A lover's quarrel

Start from the beginning

"Oh sorry. I'll go back to-", she mumbled shyly but he quickly realised his error and therefore interrupted her.

"No, no. Please, sit down" he said while he took a seat himself. She slowly walked over to the opposite chair and sat down, inwardly kicking herself because this had been a stupid idea because now... now they had to talk and yes... a minute later he started.

"About yesterday..." he began uneasily. He looked at her and saw that she was just as uncomfortable as she was but decided to continue anyway.

"I was enjoying the evening with.. with you"," he said, and Mara looked at him to see if his statement was true and it seemed to be.

"You should know that I didn't know anything... about.. I didn't know she was coming, or I would never have... I would never have gone there with you, don't get me wrong, we've been a little negligent in attending events, but I would have chosen another ball to make our introduction if I had been.. informed".

Mara didn't speak for a little while on purpose perhaps, having to gauge her words, thinking or it was adamant that what she was going to say had to be clearly and precisely understood.

"I get that you were not aware of her being present at the ball. I may not have given you an opportunity to explain things yesterday and I want to apologise for that."

"It's okay... I understand, really. I-", Anthony tried to say, feeling relieved that the matter would be closed soon.. or so he thought.

"If I, if I could just finish my words without you interrupting me, please" she pleaded a tad unsurely and awkwardly.

"Seeing you reacting to her.. that way.. It was.. It told me a lot about you and her. I doubt that you will change your disposition towards Miss Rosso, and it would be foolish to hope you would. If I may be so bold, I can tell that you are still infatuated with your.. previous girlfriend. Don't, don't get me wrong. I am not judging you. I have no right to.. I know what I was get getting myself into and I understand your predicament, completely, as you must know..", she argued.

Anthony frowned in confusion. Where was all this going? She paused a moment for she continued to speak.

"WE both KNOW we entered this union on an ill-advised whim so maybe we should be honest with each other. I know you must feel the same way, I am certain you do.. I therefore think it would be wise to end things right now before we both end up unhappy. " she concluded.

What? No. He did his best to ignore the awful notion of divorcing her that suddenly arose in him, but it thundered on in his heart and mind.

"I think it's inevitable that our paths will separate so I think it's best not to carry on too long", she concluded.

After this statement, she stood up and walked towards him but looked down at her hands to be specific and started fidgeting with her finger to take off her wedding ring. Mara didn't know why she wanted to at that moment, maybe to proof that she was serious to him, but her plan backfired on her because the stupid thing would NOT budge!

"It doesn't want to come off I think," he stated with a smirk, finding her so endearing at this moment as she clumsily tried to remove the ring.

She tried again and again but at some point gave up because for some inexplicable reason she had started to cry, and it was too much for her. Mara didn't want him to see her crying, so she turned and headed towards the door, but he did not hesitate for a moment.

He walked up to her, gently grabbed her but and put his hands on her arms and then stood in front of her, effectively but inadvertently blocking her way out. The sudden contact with him startled her briefly but she didn't move or somehow didn't dare to.

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