Ch.20 - Smokescreen

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"Uhh, why are all the teachers here?" Jiro asked, most silently agreeing.

"I believe some of you have gathered information and have some idea of what you'll be facing today-." Aizawa-sensei began, though was cut off.

"We're fighting those big old metal robots!" Kaminari excitedly shouted.

"Fireworks, s'mores here we come!" Ashido squealed.

"Actually this year's tests will be completely different for various reasons." Principal Nezu said, climbing out of Aizawa-sensei's scarf, causing everyone to freeze including the partying duo. So Senshi was correct to think that the robots were a complete scam.

You're changing things?" Yaoyorozu asked breathless, she seemed nervous.

"The tests now have a new focus, there will be hero work of course but also teamwork and combat between actual people so what does that mean for you? You students will be working in pairs to fight one of our esteemed UA teachers isn't this fabulous?!" Nezu explained in an elated tone. It was not fabulous. Senshi knew Aizawa-sensei, and she knew that he would put people up against their weaknesses, and out of the teachers, only one was her biggest weakness, Midnight. Don't get me wrong, of course she'd have a hard time against the others, but Midnight's quirk involved gas, and gas could travel through Senshi's force-fields. So, summary, lets hope that Midnight isn't Senshi's enemy.

"We're fighting the teachers!?"  Uraraka exclaimed, her face shell-shocked.

"Additionally your partners and opponents have already been chosen they were determined at my discretion based on various factors including fighting style, grades and inter personal relationships.

First Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team, against me. Then we have Midoriya in a group with Bakugo, and they're against-" Aizawa-sensei started, when All Might came flying down saying "I am here, to fight!" 

Senshi immediately felt bad for the two boys, who wouldn't?! The two might be powerful, but their constant feud and the fact that All Might is All Might, would render them almost helpless! 

"You're going to have to work together boys, if you want to win." All Might said, a sly smile on his face. His message was obviously towards the childhood enemies, though he still made a point. Everyone was going to have to work together, and for Senshi, she could only pray that she had talked to them at least once.

The teams were:
Kirishima and Sato vs Cementoss
Asui and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm
Iida and Ojiro vs Power Loader
Yaoyorozu and Todoroki vs Eraser Head
Aoyama and Uraraka vs Thirteen
Ashido and Kaminari vs Principal Nezu
Koda and Jiro vs Present Mic
Mineta and Shouji vs Snipe
Sero and Tate vs Midnight
Midoriya and Bakugo vs All Might

So, Aizawa-sensei had noticed Senshi's weakness. Though Senshi couldn't help but remember something, Midnight's quirk worked better on boys than girls, maybe Senshi would be able to exploit that?

"To complete the exam you'll have thirty minutes, in order to win your objective is to put these hand cuffs on your teacher or you can win if one of you manages to escape form the combat stage." Nezu explained further.

"So we've either gotta capture the teacher or run away, it's basically like the combat training." Kaminari analysed.

"Yeah but is it really okay to just jet?" Ashido asked, a hopeful tone shining through.

"Yep" Nezu confirmed, so that was good news at least.

"It's gonna be a lot different than that combat training you all went through earlier after all, you're up against people way better than you." Present Mic went on.

Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc) [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang