♡︎ᠻꪮ𝘳𝓽ꪗ ᠻꪮꪊ𝘳♡︎

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Carmen stares ahead, towards Draco. The back of his platinum hair shines against the potions classroom light. They are all standing as they make their amortentia. Draco is the table across from her as he makes his potion.

"What does Ezra smell like anyways?"

Adelph asks, causing Carmen to think.

"Doesn't he smell like coffee? Especially since he drinks it all the time?"

Carmen says as she mixes the liquids and materials into the small glass container; she is almost done.

When Carmen and Adelph are done, professor Slughorn speaks up.

"Alright, class, everyone looks about done."

He says as he looks at Draco.

Carmen's heart skips a beat as she sees Draco glimpse at her from the corner of his eye.

Stupid me, still feeling things for him.

She thinks.

"Mr. Malfoy, what do you smell?"

Professor Slughorn asks as he nods over to Draco's potion.

Draco sighs as he grabs his potion. He looks frustrated as he takes a small whiff of the potion.


He says, his tone low and cold.

Professor Slughorn chuckles, causing Draco to look up from his potion.

"I know that you smelled something, Mr. Malfoy. I can tell when someone is lying. Now, what did you smell?"

Professor Slughorn asks, causing Draco to clench his jaw.

"Vanilla and Strawberries, professor."

I hear Draco say as he looks towards me.

I look down to my potion, trying to not meet eyes with him. I hear professor Slughorn walk to the table next to me. He asks what they smell from their potion, and they answer. My heart kicks against my chest as I hear him walk near me.

"Carmen, what do you smell?"

Professor Slughorn asks.

I bring the potion near my nose as I take a whiff. I look at Slughorn with slight defeat, knowing that he can tell when I lie.

"Peppermint, a slight tang of green apples, and cologne"

I answer truthfully.

Slughorn walks away, making me dart my eyes towards Draco with slight shame; shame that I cannot erase him from my brain. Our eyes meet briefly. I know that he smelled me, but it only makes me confused. Why did he have to shut me out if he still likes me?

"You smell exactly like fresh strawberries and vanilla."

Adelph points out during dinner, making me sigh.

I remain silent as I eat my dinner quickly as possible. I have felt eyes on the side of my body, and I hate it. I know that he is watching me, and it only makes me hate him more. He can't just kick me without an explanation. I have so much to say, so much to ask. I feel like I'm going o explode with fury whenever I think about him, because the good outweighs the bad when it comes to him. I can't help but remember how tightly he hugged me as we slept, or how he kissed my forehead before we went to bed.

"Erm... Carmen?"

Adelph calls as she stares at Draco's book bag.

"Wasn't your notebook a little sparkly?"

She asks.

"Which notebook?"

I ask, confused if she is talking about my transfiguration notebook, which is also sparkly.

"The personal one, you know?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

I say as I follow her stare to Draco's book bag.

"I could be wrong, but I think that I just saw your notebook in his book bag."

She explains.

Before I could even squint my eyes to see the inside of his book bag, he stands up. I curse underneath my breath as he walks out of the great dining hall.

"That thief."

I mutter as I slowly get up.

"Where are you going?"

Adelph asks.

"I'm going wherever he is going."

I say as I begin to follow after him.

"I mean, go do you."

I hear her say as I walk away from my seat.

Carmen follows after Draco through the halls. The halls are empty aside from a few students who are sitting on the benches, chatting. Draco can feel her presence, like he always did. He can see her from the corner of his eyes; walking sharply with a small glare on her eyes.

He walks towards the slytherin common room, and of course, she follows. He can feel her anger and rage radiate off of her from a distance.

He sighed as he walked through the dungeon halls, towards the male dorm halls. He could also see from the corner of his eye that the boys who were coming in and out were eyeing her. She wasn't his anymore, but he feels as if he is going to explode with rage. He didn't want anyone to eye her the way they did.

When he arrives in front of his dorm room, she catches up. He missed the smell of her. How the vanilla swirled perfectly with fresh strawberries was what heaven must smell like, he believes. He truly missed it.

"Why are you here?"

He asks as he opens his room door.

Carmen only rolls her eyes before grabbing onto his book bag.

"I know that you have it."

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