chapter two

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Ana had her backed pressed against the Boulder so hard, it started biting into her flesh.
She was using her brain wave to reach the vampire that was on the other side of the rock, he was so close she was trying not to breath hard for fear he would hear her. She could not link into his mind, she didn't understand why!
All of a sudden he was on her grabbing her roughly around her waist lifting her into the air.
"Get off me you worthless leech!" Her back against his chest, she could not get her hands on him to do anything. So she tried to headbutt him. Her head struck something hard, like he had something around his head.
She almost knocked herself unconscious.
She could hear him say "I got her" he said it like he was speaking to her but she knew the leeches could hear really good and he didn't need to shout.
He spun her around to face him, he did have a odd metal ring that circled his forehead and stopped at the temple, like a halo but front facing and the ends had springs to stay on the temple.
She again tried to use her mind wave to make him forget what he was doing..nothing. so she tried to freeze his actions, she could stop their movements and freeze them in place.
He said "I know what your doing little girl and it won't work"
He stared into her eyes with a menacing look, he squeezed her shoulders and made her yelp in pain.

"Damien bring her out" a woman said.
Damien grabbed her arm and roughly drug her out from behind the Boulder, he was pulling so hard she almost lost her footing.

As she come out she noticed about 10 vampires all crouched in a defensive pose
She thought " Are they scared of me?" She tried to use her mind link on any of them and get them to work for her but they all was wearing the weird metal halos.

The woman she heard spoke up, drawing her attention to her " this is her, I can feel her power. She is very strong"

The vampire Damien said " Witch you better not be wrong, I would hate to let the king know" He was sneering you could tell nothing would please him more.

She spoke " I'm not wrong I can feel it, please let the king know our debt is paid, I have helped locate her."

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