Bonus: Reacting to fan theories

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Me: Okay, now we're gonna do a bonus reaction.

~They all get excited.~

Me: Alright, here are some fan theories and you guys are gonna rate them on a scale of 1-10.

All: Okay!

Me: 1st 1, okay 1st a lil story time.

~They all nod.~

Me: Okay, so as you know Katara and Aang have 3 kids. Well, Toph has 2 and Zuko has 1.

Toph: I'm sorry, did I hear that right?

Me: Yeah, you have 2 daughters.

Toph: I mean, alright.

Me: Anyway, 1st theory: Sokka is Suyin's dad. Suyin is the name of your younger daughter, by the way. Lin is the older.

Toph: Eh, 3/10.

Sokka and Suki: Same.

Zuko: 2/10, I don't see it but it kinda makes sense.

Aang: 1/10, no offence but I don't think Sokka would cheat on Suki.

Katara: I agree with Aang.

Me: Alright-y, next theory... ~I gag at this 1.~

Suki: You good?

Me: No, this 1 is really disgusting.

~They all look at me.~

Me: Alright, so here's another story time. Aang and Katara's 3 kids are called Kya, Bumi and Tenzin. Kya is the middle child and a water bender, Tenzin's the youngest and an air bender.

Aang: Oh, so Bumi's an air bender and the oldest then!

Me: Uhhh, not quite.

~Aang and Katara look at me.~

Me: Okay, basically there's a show about your lives during the war. That's how I know a lot about you, then there's a sequel called The Legend Of Korra. Korra is the next Avatar, so there's 3 seasons of you guys' show and 4 of hers. In Season 1 and 2 of The Legend of Korra, Bumi is a non-bender. Anyway, because of Harmonic Convergence he gets air bending. And he is trained by his younger brother, Tenzin who has 4 air bender kids.

Sokka: So what's the theory?

Me: Well, here's a few bowls to be sick in for it.

~They all put 1 in front of them, Aang and Katara share likewise with Sokka and Suki.~

Me: Alright, the theory is: Sokka is really Bumi's dad...

~They all throw up, I try to hold mine in.~

Sokka: I'm just gonna say a few words...

~Loads of bleeping, as if he's swearing a lot.~

Sokka: Okay, I'm done. Anyway, let's have the next theory.

Me: Alright, it is that Bumi is the father of Zuko's daughter's son.

Zuko: What's their names?

Me: Izumi is your daughter, Iroh is your grandson.

Zuko: Ah, okay. 4/10, I like the idea.

Katara and Aang: 4.5/10

Me: Okay, that's it!

Sokka: Woah there, Iroh would be my great nephew-

Me: Yeah, I was just asking the parents of Bumi/ Izumi.

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