An Interview With PrinceThespian

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Wattpad Username(s): I have three, PrinceThespian, QueenThespian (joint account with EmoQueen100) and my "minor" account, but I don't use it often... it's PrincessThespian. What's next, KingThespian. I'm only joking! (no, I'm not!)

Age: 14 years young!

Gender: Girl!

What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

  In my PrinceThespian account I have Lynx Malfoy, A Mudblood in Slytherin and Unmasking Trust and Beauty. On my QueenThespian account, we have just one called Above Paradise. And yes, they are all Harry Potter fanfictions! 

 Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

Uhm... I'll have to say Lynx Malfoy because that was the one that came to life and since it was my first "real" story, I loved it more and more. 

Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?

Yes, Angelica (or whatever) is pictured in my head the girl that made my life miserable and she actually stole my favorite necklace... and to add, she's also dating my crush that I had feeling for since middle school! 

When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such aslistening to music?

Actually, I don't have anything scheduled, but whenever I finish a story from lets say... Lynx Malfoy, I'll try to go on to the next story like A Mudblood in Slytherin so people won't get uninterested anymore. And I actually listen to a lot of music when I'm writing. Mostly instrumental/classical music like, Port Blue, Insect Airpot, the Harry Potter Soundtrack(I know, I'm a nerd for Harry Potter) and sometimes when I'm tired of no lyrics, I listen to either Hard Rock, Rock, or Acoustic.  

What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

Harry Potter! All the way! Since Lynx Malfoy was my first one, I'll tell you the background story to that. It's really weird, just to give you a fair warning. It was around early December and I just couldn't sleep that one night, so I was thinking of Harry Potter and how cool it'll be to be Draco's little sister, so I turned on my laptop and wrote the prologue to that. I was satisfied with it, so I placed it out to the world! 

Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

My number one inspiration would have to be my brother. He was the one who first told me I had really good writing skill, so I took his word and made writing my number one passion! 

When did you first start writing?

*phew* a long time ago... Maybe when I was around... 11 or 12 years young and that was when I let my imagination take over me.

If you could change one thing in any of your books, what would it be?

On Mudblood in Slytherin, I would've probably let Daisy stay in Hogwarts for just a little while. And also on Unmasking Trust and Beauty; I would change the second chapter just a tad bit more. I felt like it was too rushed. 

When you start writing a new book, does it already have a plot or are you as clueless as to what will happen as your fans are?

Most of the time I was clueless like a penguin on the tip of the Eiffel Tower. For example, A Mudblood in Slytherin, I had NO idea what was going to happen to Daisy! I was thinking of her staying in Hogwarts and just changing Houses, but she eventually went to Durmstrang. That's why I'm so grateful for my fans who help me figure out little pieces in the story. 

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