Olivia Montgomery

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Others thought Olivia had an amazing upbringing. She came from a wealthy family, lived in a nice house in a good neighbourhood and had close friends. Her father ran a successful business - Mongomery Industries. Her mother was a well-known actress, performing in popular movies and TV shows as well as broadway. After she met Olivia's father, she helped co-run the business.

What people didn't know was Olivia's parents, Thomas and Charlotte were manipulative and to them everything Olivia did was wrong. Thomas and Charlotte tried to raise Olivia the same way they were brought up - proper.

The fact that Olivia's best friends were both boys was wrong.

The fact Olivia wore jeans was wrong.

The fact that Olivia liked to be adventurous was wrong.

The fact that Olivia liked sports was wrong.

The amount of time Olivia spent reading was wrong.

Olivia liked to spend as much time as possible away from her house.

Olivia first befriended Shawn and Cory in the third grade. She had been expelled from her private school for pulling pranks and getting in a fight. She befriended Shawn first when he offered for her to come to play on the swings with him. Shawn had then introduced her to Cory and the trio quickly became close.

What happens when Olivia and Shawn catch feelings for each other?

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